Waking up to see your ugly face

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Hey guys hope you all had a fantastic Easter and hope you all got heaps of chocolate yummy ;) Thanks for all the votes and comments.

Can I please have 2 comments and 4 votes before i upload the next chapter?

Love ya all



Gabriella’s POV

I felt like I was in a dream I could hear voices but my vision was blurry not allowing me to see my oh so unlucky kidnappers cause when I get my sight and strength back they shall wish they were never born. Feeling something sharp going back into my arm I slowly drifted back into a world of blackness was I had to watch a flashback

FLASHBACK- MARCH 1960, Mystic Falls

“ Hurry up brothers, you are currently taking longer than I would to get ready we are only going for a ride,” I shouted I couldn’t wait to take my horse Ashley on a ride, she was very pretty with golden hair and a blonde mane and tail a very beautiful palomino. Damon and Stefan finally came downstairs to the hallway wearing suitable riding clothes, walking towards the stables I noticed that all three of our horses were tacked up James, our stable boy was petting my two brothers’ horses Lightning and Eclipse (Not sure if they are the actual names) were both complete black horses with the only difference is Lightning had a white lightning strike on his forehead. Once mounted we started trotting towards the forest that surrounds Mystic Falls we were having so much fun that I didn’t even take notice or the log in front of which caused both Ashley and myself hurtled  forward I landed on the ground with a large thud and as I put my hand to my head I could feel some type of liquid on my head I noticed my brothers dismounted their horses at a hurried pace concern written all over their face as they ran over, slowly I noticed black dots floating my vision and Stefan crying and Damon trying to keep me conscious as he lies me on Lightning the last thing I heard was Damon shouting for my Farther then I felt myself drifting back into darkness.


Bonnie’s POV

Hearing the only thing that could convince me to use my magic to help Damon was hearing that one of my best friend’s has gone missing. “Stefan I need you to go and grab a map, Damon I will need you to go grab a knife and everybody else sit down and stay calm,” I said in a hurry Stefan was gone then back again in a matter of seconds eager to know where his sister is. “Ok one question why do you need a knife?” Damon asked “ I need a small amount of your blood to trace her since she is family it shall be heaps easier,” I replied without waiting I cut his arm and let the blood drip onto the map allowing us to see where Gabriella is, watch out kidnappers cause hell is about to come your way.

Gabriella’s POV

Waking up was more exciting than ever, note the sarcasm I looked around the room to notice that I am actually in what appears to be in a very nice room with a four-poster bed and silk sheets. There was a knock on the door and I saw the one person I love the most, jokes it was my dearest brother Klaus smirking he walked into the room noticing I was awake he brought me downstairs and there stood the rest of my family my mother, Elijah, Kol, Finn even Rebekah I ran and hugged Kol cause I knew that he had been staked a long time ago and I had truly missed him but the big question was why is everyone here I thought myself and Elijah were the only ones still not having a stake through our heart. “ Why that is a very good question indeed my darling daughter and to answer it I must say that I wish to reunite us and so we may be a family once more,” My mother said and I smirked “Ok I agree but nobody knows here that I am actually a Mikaelson in fact they all still believe that I am a Salvatore but they don’t know I am a vampire,” I replied with a small shrug “ So may I ask that you all keep quiet for know and we shall let them know I am a good friend of Elijah’s for now and I shall tell them when I am ready” “ That I agree is far and if any of you children tell anyone who Gabriella actually is there will be major trouble”, said my mother  there was a large chorus of “ Yes mother” before everybody resumed what they were doing. Klaus came up behind and said that my friends as well as the Salvatore’s are coming to rescue me so Klaus brought me downstairs to the cellar and chained me up he put a stake through my stomach, arms and legs even though it hurt like hell I know it wasn’t meant to be sincere. Hearing doors and shouting I knew they had arrived, next thing I know Matt and Tyler are in front of me pulling the stakes out while I muffle a cry, as I looked around I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker” Hang on Gabby,” I heard Tyler call but I couldn’t hold it much longer I drifted back into darkness.

Tyler’s POV

Seeing Gabby there made my heart ache with sadness knowing how much pain she was in since she was only a human she was losing blood quickly and I could tell she was going to die if we didn’t help her soon she was going to die, we got the stakes out as quickly as possible and raced her upstairs and to the car lying her down in the back seat I told Matt to text everybody to let them know that we have Gabby and to let them know her condition.

Matt’s POV

Quickly sending the text I got in the car and we sped off towards the boarding house, I told Damon and Stefan to be quick since she was losing allot of blood. Hearing a small buzzing I knew I had received I text, unlocking the phone I noticed the text was from Damon saying that both him and Stefan were at the boarding house and they other’s were not behind. Arriving at the boarding house we grabbed the unconscious Gabby and brought her inside.




Damon’s POV

After texting Matt I sure as hell wasn’t ready for what I saw I raced over to my sister faintly hearing her heartbeat I looked at a now shocked Stefan whom was holding crying Elena Stefan gave me a small nod acknowledging what he was telling me I bit my wrist and forced it to her mouth, slowly she drank the blood. Lifting her up I let Elena and Bonnie change her then put her into bed allowing her body to heal silently we all left the room except Tyler who sat beside Gabby not wanting to leave I felt a tap on my shoulder turning around I see Matt who was making a motion for me to follow he brought me into the bathroom turning the shower and tap on I gave him a quizzical look and he told me it’s so nobody can hear us now understanding I nod motioning him to start talking he sighed “ When Gabby was here before you and Stefan arrived her and Tyler were real close, she considered Tyler her 3rd brother but Tyler liked her more than that but she has never noticed his true feelings for her,” he said at that moment like karma would have it Tyler walked into the bathroom and said “ I don’t like her, I love her”

Well i hoped you enjoyed this chapter and don’t forget two comments for the next chapter and don’t forget to




Love ya all





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