Bed of air.

16 0 0

The bed is warm, perfect for a cold night.

I feel the sheets under my fingers, smiling a little at the comforting warmth before my hand reaches something soft, like skin.

I trace my fingers over the soft skin, going down curves and travelling back up, enjoying the feel of my companion's skin until my journey is interrupted by a lacy material. I frown temporarily and tug at the material, pulling it back to reveal more skin.

Propping myself on my elbow, I opened my eyes, allowing them trace over her moonlit beauty, soft pale skin and lush black hair, her full lips absolutely edible.

I place a kiss on her shoulder, and trace it up her neck, she stirs.

"Arthur, go to bed" she groans not entirely conscious,

Who's Arthur?

As though she heard my thoughts her eyes flash open, capturing me in a sea of green, an emerald abyss I'd gladly die in.

"Cupid!" she yells, shoving me so far back I fall unto the cold floor.

"What were you doing?" she questions anger fresh in her eyes, "... where you trying to kiss me?".

I look down, keeping my eyes glued to the ground, the tears start to swell and I will them back the best I can.

"I've told you before, you can't just do that" she continues, then sighs, "We're both girls for fucks sake".

That's the problem, I'm a girl.

Robin is my best friend, we first met I told her I was lesbian, but she said she didn't care as long as I kept it away from her. I did... tried to.

Until one day, Robin defended and I was hooked, I couldn't get her out of my head, it's worse because she's my roomate, it's not easy sleeping in the same room with a person you want to fuck to death.

I know she can't accept me, I'm not normal, I'm disgusting.

The tears are flowing and I can't stop them.

"Cue" she calls softly, and my hair is gently pulled away from my face revealing her kneeling before me.

"I'm sorry" she apologises. Her soft hands capture my face and she starts, slowly trailing kisses over the tears. With every kiss she takes a little while to watch my expression.

What comes next is something I can't stop, something I wouldn't for the life of me.

Her full lips take mine, slowly deepening the kiss. A slight moan escapes my lips and she reaches around, grabbing my waist. Her slender fingers trail sparks over my skin, clutching my ass firmly and pulling my petite form unto her soft laps while she clamps down on my neck, the inviting warmth of her lips and arousing feel of her breasts pressed against mine takes my mind.

Robin lifts me and I immediately lock my legs around her waist, kissing her with growing urgency as she rises to her feet. Heat spreading through my body as we move towards the bed, literally floating lifted by my tiny wings, beating in glorious passion that increases with each second.


She's gone in the morning. She left knowing I wouldn't last very long in the heat of passion like that.

Feeling cold and slightly disgusted with myself, I pull the covers over my head, savouring the warmth we shared, before chucking it aside.

I have to get ready

I make a quick rush between the bathroom and the room, allowing the tub to fill slightly while setting out a uniform.

Sinking into the warm water, I allow myself one small moment to relish in the passion we shared.

Robin says it's best if we forget the night by morning, giving me only a few hours to live in the moment. She says it's easier that way.

Washing myself, I pause over the words Mine tattooed in gothic caligraphy by a certain girl on my left shoulder blade. Robin had claimed me as her's, but I couldn't claim her. No one can. She's the beautiful, independent woman with a heart that can't be broken, because no one is given the chance to. Not even me.

I finish the bath, heading out and getting dressed. The school's dull grey cardigan is more preferable for me, giving room for my wings rather than the stuffy blazer. The uniform is quite nice, a bold yellow knife pleated skirt with a light grey cardigan or the black blazer and a white blouse paired with shoes of your choice.

I'm just putting the finishing touches on my hair, pulling it's pink strands into a wavy ponytail, when the door opens and lazy footfalls trail towards my bed, her bed obviously must feel too far away. Robin once hated my natural hair colour, she called it putrid. Now she finds it unique.

"Aren't you going to class?" I ask, pulling a pair of light toned stockings up my leg. Fom the mirror, I can tell, she was already dressed, just not for school, in a tight fitting corset and a pair of jean shorts paired with combat boots. Her dull red hooded cloak, well worn from overuse but still perfect for her, giving of the feel of a withering rose.

"Nope" she answers nonchalantly, staring at the cieling with those mesmerising blue eyes.

"Okay then, I'll just tell you what happened when I get back" I reply, picking my bag and heading for the door. It's a mechanism used to avoid contact so I don't say or do something I'll regret.

"Wait!" she stops me, barely sitting up, but somehow staring at me. "Come here" she calls and I step closer to the bed. She stands, meeting me halfway and gently tucking a strand behind my ear.

Her eyes hold mine and I'm trapped again, left with the urge to kiss her.

"C'mon, I wanna take you somewhere" she says, pulling me towards the window.

I follow without question and she stops in front of the window, climbing unto the window ledge easily and holding out a hand towards me.

I'm quite wary of the sill, knowing the few thousand feet between our window and solid ground.


I'm stunned for a moment by the image presented, the Violet sun rising high above her creates the illusion of a dark halo and wings around her. A fallen angel. My fallen angel.

"Cue!" she slips, falling back and out of the window, causing me to jump, grabbing her arm with desprate urgency. But, then a strange turn of events, the firm grip she takes on my arm and the sinister smirk that follows tells me her fall was quite intended.

And we're falling, plummeting to our possible end. I shut my eyes tightly, immersing myself in Robin's mint scent.

"Cupid" she calls, making me open my eyes before adding, "Trust me". She kisses me, soft and slow. Without the lust driven urgency of sex, but rather a lasting peck to the lips. My eyes flutter shut and I smile into the kiss.

"Wake up, Queen of Love" We had stopped mid air, lying a few hundred feet from the ground, my arms around her neck and her's around my waist, our legs locked in a lover's embrace.

There we lie, in each other's arms, a Queen of Love and the Queen of her Heart, held up by loving wings, suspended on a bed of air. Our bed of air.

Our Bed of Queens.

Bed of Queens.(Lesbian)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt