Bed of Grass.

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We have been walking for close to an hour, moving through the thick lush of the woods. The forest is truly marvellous.

There's this massive severed trunk, that rises really high. It's body is heavenly, covered in green moss and sporting a couple brightly coloured flowers. The rays of the sun piercing through the thick canopy create a the most beautiful painting of the life below.

I simply fly over the log and Robin scoffs. "Show off" she taunts, climbing up it's bark and landing by my side in a wide jump. I smile, knowing it's her way of appreciating things.

Robin still hasn't told me where we're going, so I let my imagination do the trick.

A wide open meadow; Nope, no picnic basket.

A nice warm beach; No, Robin hates the beach, and there isn't one for miles.

An underground club; quite possible.

I need to find out. I'll just ask.

"Hey! Robin" I call and she hums in response, turning her attention to me. "Who's Arthur?" the question shocks me, it was not what I'd planned to ask. I'm sure I'd even forgotten about it, but it just came out.

Her expression morphs into one of shock and slight fear, then to regret, then back to normal in the span of a few seconds.

"H-He's a guy I met" she says and I swallow, biting back the jealous feeling swelling in my chest.

"And?" I ask and she straightens.

Don't cry. Don't let her see you cry. She hates it. You'll look weak.

"Well, he's kinda nice and we're currently trying to work something out" I bite my cheeks at that, risking a scar as the copper salt of my blood taints my tongue. It's quite hard to hold the tears and my vision is growing hazy and I'm blinking back waterworks.

I know I can't own her, but it still hurts so much to here that someone else gets to touch her, and I can't do anything to stop it.

"Oh!" is all I get out, I forge a smile focusing on my hair and trying to braid it. The tears are already leaking, but I try to hide it.

"Are you crying? I've told you before, we're not a couple. This is just something I do for you" she reminds me and my hands begin to shake.

"Then stop making it seem like we are!" I yell and her expression cahnges, both pireced brow rising.

"Really? I make it seem like we're a couple?" she queries. "That's rich coming from you".

"Don't you get it, I actually love you. I follow these stupid rules, hoping that somehow we'll be able" I pause, chuckling. "... be able to work something out" I mock, chuckling again.

Robin stares at me like I've gone mad.

"Don't you get it. We're best friends, you're the one person I hate the least in this world and everything I do is so I don't lose you!" she raises her voice, calming down at the end.

Robin sighs and looks to the clouds, closing her eyes and just breathing. Watching her alone, I forget why I was angry, a smile growing on my lips as her words sink in.

'Let's get out of this town, baby we're on fire,

Everyone around here seems to be going down, down, down' She draws out in her hauting melodic tune melodic voice.

'If you stick with me, I can take you higher, and higher.

Seems like all of our friends are lost nobody's found, found, found.' she stops there, spreading out her arms and looking up again, this time I mimic the action. And we fall, let ourselves drop backwards, the unforgiving butress roots welcoming our backs.

We'd both hurt our feelings and needed to cool our minds.

"Ow" she calls and I giggle. She joins in and soon we're both cackling insanely. Her witchlike laughter fills me with joy at the sound of it.

She crawls over and lays beside me, linking our fingers. We lay there, bathing in the rays, staring into the everchanging hues of the Violet sun.

I wonder what she is thinking. Or what her wild imagination could be brewing up. Unable t find an answer I return to staring at the sun. Imagining a world where I'm no longer queen and the walls between us don't exsist.

A world where I'm free to give her my heart, rip it right out of my chest and place it between us. Only I know she wouldn't take it, she wouldn't even take a love note. She likes to be free and despite the sex, doesn't even see me as an actual romantic option. More like a loving friend she helps.

I sigh and open my eyes to reality, laying here on a rough, yet comfortable spread of grass, a Queen in need, and a Queen unreachable on a bed of grass, our bed of grass.

Our Bed of Queens.

Bed of Queens.(Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now