Bed of Mine.

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We have left the forest behind, now we're in a meadow that seems to stretch on. The only thing in sight hitches my breath, making me stop.

There it stands the haunting image of my greatest mistake, a quiet grief that took my crown. A girl whose beauty rivals Robin's, whose blonde locks would lazily sweep the bottom of the stairs as she stood at the top of the tower.

She was a complete fairytail, but needed saving. The one love I wronged so terribly that she was lost. Hung herself from the tower window, my place was revoked and I had to live another lifetime earn my crown again.

Robin notices this and groans, "You can't be serious, it was a dumb mistake you made centuries back. Not your problem anymore" she states and heads towards the intimidating tower.

"C'mon, the sooner you get over this guilt trip the better". She grabs one of the overgrown vines that plague the building from years of neglect and begins a slow ascension.

Watching her, I smile, flapping my wings and rising through the air.

"You might want to speed it up Tarzan" I chuckle and she gasps, grabbing hold of another vine and pushing off. Swinging towards... me.

In seconds, I find myself falling through the many branches of the large tree beside the tower. The ground is unforgiving, landing on my butt with a thud.

"Ouch" I reach back, feeling through my right wing and hissing when I come across a large splinter embedded in a part of my wing. "Okay, Robin. That wasn't fair" I scold, but she doesn't reply, I turn around then, finding no one around.

"Robin?" I call rising to my feet only to be shove down by a pair of rough hands. This is definitely not her. The person pushes me to my knees, forcing me to bend over and groping my waist.

I feel tug of fear when something brushes against my rear. Something hard, possibly wood.

I try to push up, but he's strong. "Please dont-".

A sickening chopping sound fills the air followed by a loud guttural cry. His hand fall away and I crawl back, turning to find a ten foot wooden humanoid, a large battle axe wedged in his shoulder.

Robin places a boot on his back, pulling out the heavy axe. "I warned you, Jack. You shouldn't try to jump random people, you need help" she advices the massive creature and he just breathes. How? That's beyond me, he has no face.

Poor Jack, I can understand his pain. He'd climbed and found the golden Nymph, became incredibly wealthy and was every girl's dream. One of those girls being the Nymph herself, she was beautiful, but pure gold and pleasing her would have been impossible. He gave in to the other girls and she became jealous, cursing him and running off.

We're both in a close situation. Having so much to say, but being unable to.

I walk up to him and place a kiss on his cheek, giving him a friendly smile. He rises, towering over both Robin and I.

"Hey Jack, do you know where Camelot is?" she asks and he shakes his head, stalking off into the forest.

"Is that where we're heading?" I question her and she sighs.

"No, I just need to make a stop there" she answers, closing the distance between us in a few strides.

"You're hurt" she says, worried. Then, looking to the tower spreads her arms and motions for me to climb on.

I smile, straddling her hips and burying my face in her hair, feeling the heat grow in my lower regions with every step she takes, my butt shifting againts her hips.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 23, 2018 ⏰

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