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It was 3 days and Dunk was still at his phi's house. He misses Joong so much but everytime he misses him he also remembered what happened that day. He know he can't ingnore Joong all the time so he decided to go back to house today. 

This 3 days was full of happiness. He enjoyed every minute of these 3 days. But in these he can't help missing Joong. Phuwin noticed that but didn't said anything. Phuwin knows that something has happened but he wait for Dunk to open up. He didn't want to force Dunk. When Pond was not there Phuwin asked Dunk.

Phuwin : Dunk is everything alright?? I know something bothers you. Something happened between you and Joong?? Did you two fight??

Dunk : I'm fine phi. Nothing happen between us. I just miss you two and I'm going back today. Dunk said with a smile.

Phuwin : You know you can tell me anything. Nong I just want to tell you that you don't have to keep everything to yourself. You can share it with me, Pond, Gemini and Fourth and also Joong. Dunk you don't have to afraid of anyone. You know sometimes you've to protect youreslf from others. We're always here with you. You can come yo us anytime. 

Dunk nodded with a smile. He hugged Phuwin tightly as tears start streaming out of his eyes. At the same time Pond came. Pond was confused by the scene and he got worried. So he went to them and asked Dunk "Nong what's wrong?? Are you alright?? Why are youy crying??" Pond was so much worried. Phuwin said "Oh nothing Pond. He's going back home today so he got emotional. Pond nodded in relief.

On the other hand with Joong

When Dunk left that day Joong didn't help but feel strange. He misses Dunk. He didn't want to admit but he miss his omega. He miss his omegs's smell. Joong know what he said was wrong but he doesn't know what say. That day Joong was making out with that girl but all he can see and hear was Dunk's voice and his face. He send that girl away from him. He told his bodyguard to get that girl out of his house. 

He silently went to Dunk's room and saw that he was sleeping. Joong realised that the smell of his omega's scent was different. He then realised that his omega went through heat. But he was confused that why his omega didn't called him for help. He saw some dried tears on his cheeck. Joong wa hurt by seeing him. Joong still didn't realised his feeling for Dunk. That night he hugged Dunk and fell asleep. In the morning he woke up before Dunk. He was staring at Dunk's face then he kissed Dunk forehead and went to his room before Dunk see him.

He then get ready and went downstairs for breakfast. When he saw Dunk with suitcase he was confused. He was scared that Dunk will leave him. He wanted to asked Dunk but he didn't had the courage.  He heard that Dunk said he will come back after 4-5 days. He wanted to stopped Dunk but he can't. 

When Dunk went he asked the driver where Dunk went but the driver replied that Dunk went by bus. Joong got angry at the driver. He was mad that he didn't know where his omega was and he went by bus when there was cars and drivers. He then went to office and asked his people to find Dunk. The whole day he was zonned out. He was thinking about Dunk. Force and Book noticed it. They decided to asked him.

Force : Hii Joong. How are you?? You're not paying attention to anything. Is everything alright?? You wanted to tell something??

Joong stared at them and decided to tell them about what he was feeling. So he let out a sigh and said "I don't know where to start. But I'm feeling strange these past days. it's about Dunk. You know I got happy whenever he was happy. I feel strange whenever someone went near him. I got hurt and sad when I saw him sad. I don't know what is it. I always think about him. I got scared whenever I thought about him leaving me. You know today he went somewhere and I didn't even know where he was. I want him with me. I want to protect him from everyone. I miss his smell. I don't know what I'm feeling."

Force and Book looked at each other and nodded. They realised that Joong has feeling for Dunk. He likes Dunk but he didn't realise that. They smiled at eachother and then said to Joong "Joong we know what you're feeling and what is it but you've to accept that. You like Dunk. You have feeling for him that's why you're like this." Force said and Book also nodded his head. Joong widened his eyes at how can this happen. At first he didn't wanted to admit that but his alpha got angry and he decided to admit it.  Joong smiled at them and admit his feelings.

Now that he knows that he likes Dunk he decided to make evrything right. When he got home he thought that Dunk will be waiting for him but he greeted with silence and darkness. Dunk was not there. He went to his room and freshen up. He decided to call Dunk. He called Dunk but Dunk didn't picked up his call. He sent message to Dunk but Dunk didn't read them. Joong thought that Dunk must be asleep so he also went to sleep but he couldn't sleep. So he went to Dunk's room and laid on his bed. When he smelled his omega's scent on the bed he was calmed and fell asleep. 

Other days went like this. Joong can't explain how terribly he misses Dunk. He want nothing more that seeing his omega and hugged him. He know he's wrong. He can't help but cried at his actions. He wants his husband back. He was searching for him but still didn't know where he was. He was also worried about him. He saw that Dunk read his messages but didn't reply any of them. Joong doesn't know what to do. It was the third day and he didn't know that Dunk was coming back.

Joong was at home that day. He was not feeling well. He was crying as he misses Dunk. He fell asleep on the sofa in the hall. When Dunk came back he saw Joong sleeping on sofa. He was confused so he decided to put his bag in his room than come back.  When he came back in hall he went near sofa. He was confused by seeing Joong at home as he knows that at this time Joong should be in office. He bent down and saw Joong sleeping soundly. Oh how much Dunk missed his husband. When he saw some hair on his alpha's face he removed that by his fingers. At that time he realised that Joong was sick. Dunk touched his forehead and he was burning.

Dunk went to kitchen and came back with cold water and a cloth. He was worried he called the doctor and asked for some medicine. He was taking care of Joong. He cover Joong with a blanket and put the cold wet cloth on his forehed and went to kitchen to make some porridge for Joong. He came back with medicine and porridge. He put it on the table and wake Joong up.

Dunk : "Alpha wake up and eat something so you can take medicine." Dunk was hesitant at first but he decided to wake him up. After some minutes Joong woke up. When he sees Dunk face he hugged him tightly. Dunk was shocked by that. He didn't know what to say or do. Joong spoke "Dunk you're finally here. Pls don't ever leave me again. Where were you? I was looking for you. Why you leave like that. You know how much I was worried for you. Now you can't leave me."

Dunk was stunned by the action of Joong. He just nodded his head and pulled away form the hug. Dunk gave the porridge to Joong. He saw that Joong can't eat properly so he feed him. Joong was eating silently. Joong saw Dunk was not saying anything. When he finished that Dunk gave him medicine. Dunk then told him to go to his room and sleep there. So Joong went to Dunk's room instead of his and sleep there. Dunk was confused by why he was acting like this. Dunk thought that maybe because he was sick that's why. Dunk unpacked his things and then decided to went downstairs. He told the maid to make something light as Joong was sick. 

In the evening Joong wake up and went downstairs and saw Dunk sitting on the sofa watching T.V. He went to sofa and sat besides him. Joong want to say about his feelings to Dunk but didn't know how. Then the maid called them and said that the dinner was ready so they eat the dinner. When they done eating Joong said to Dunk "Dunk can I sleep in your room. I'm not feeling well. If you don't mind or I can saty in my room." Dunk said that he can sleep in his room. Joong got happy and went to Dunk's room. 

On the other hand Dunk sigh at that. He didn't understand why Joong was behaving like this. he went to his room and saw Joong was alreay asleep so he took shower and went to sleep. He felt two pair of hands around his waist as someone hugging him from behind. He realised that Joong was hugging from behind. He blushed at that but at the same time he was scared that what if Joong will hurt him. Putting all the thoughts aside he decided to go sleep. He fell asleep in Joong's embrace. 

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