Chapter 4 - Truce

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Any support means a lot, and can hopefully get this story out there if you like it. My discord is located in the synopsis of the story as always.

"So much depends on reputation – guard it with your life." ~Robert Greene

"For a school that originally seemed so intriguing, that opening ceremony was the worst I've ever had to sit through," Ryuk commented as soon as we exited the auditorium. There were no classes for the day, so we were free to explore.

As soon as I distanced myself from the crowd, I responded, "Some things never change, Ryuk."

Ryuk nodded, "So, Light, where are we headed now?" he asked, floating in front of me.

"There are all sorts of stores here. If I want to save up points, I'll need to buy my own groceries and prepare my own meals. Plus, I'm sure you'll want some apples," I said, continuing to walk.

"Oh, you'll really buy me apples? I thought you'd be more stingy with your points," Ryuk responded.

"Of course not; you know I'm not that bad, Ryuk. Plus, you helped me today. However, I do have a condition. I want you to search the entire school for cameras, every inch," I responded.

"That seems boring," Ryuk responded.

"It may be, but it's necessary. I'll be walking around with a ghost all day, and you should know where all the cameras are in case you ever decide to interact with anything. I won't lie; I'm also asking because I want the information myself. But you should definitely know where all the cameras are, Ryuk."

"Fine, I suppose that's reasonable. I'll look around tonight."

"Good, it seems we're in agreement," I said, entering one of the larger convenience stores on campus.

I quickly went around the store, grabbing various ingredients and necessities.

"The groceries are even priced quite accurately," I said, thinking out loud.

"Hey, Light," Ryuk said to capture my attention, "that girl over there with the strawberry blonde hair, she was one of the ones in Class B I was telling you about."

"Oh?" I said quietly, eyeing the girl. She seemed to be just going about her grocery shopping, same as me.

"What will you do? Will you go up to her?" Ryuk asked.

"No, there's no need for that. All I'd get out of it is a meaningless conversation. If she's good enough to lead a class, I'll meet her more naturally soon enough," I said, turning around to pay for my groceries.

Quickly enough, I paid and exited the convenience store. 6,500 points, it was a fair amount, given I bought many things like soaps, seasonings, and tea that I wouldn't have to purchase every week. I should have a bit over 80,000 points left by the end of this month if I spend carefully.

"Notice all the free stuff in the store?" Ryuk asked.

"Yes, I did. I grabbed some free items. It just backs the idea that monthly point allotment can change," I respond casually. It wasn't surprising that the school provided free essentials like feminine products and food. Given the nature of the students, it was only logical. Many would waste their points early on.
As I reached the dormitory, I spotted someone in the hall—Ryuen.

"I was beginning to think you wouldn't show," Ryuen remarked, a slight grin on his face. Aware of the numerous cameras on school grounds, I continued forward as if everything was normal.

Approaching him, I noticed his bandaged appearance and messy clothes. "Are you alright? What happened to you?" I asked, injecting a fake concern into my tone.

COTE: Light Yagami in The Classroom of The EliteWhere stories live. Discover now