Chapter I: Coming Clean

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I couldn't sleep at all for the past week. This pregnancy shit has been on my mind every second. And it's making me feel guilty inside. I need to tell Deshaun. But how?

I decided to go to his house and just tell him the truth. After all this is his baby and he deserves to know the truth instead of me constantly lying to his face. It's killing me inside.


I told Deshaun to pick me up so we could chill at his house. It was the weekend and all my homework was complete. We always chill on the weekends anyways.

" you hungry?" He asked while getting a bag of popcorn. " I can order us some food"
I nodded. He looked at me weird. " baby girl why are you so quiet lately? Did I do something wrong?" He said looking worried.

This was my chance to now tell him that he's a father. It's either now or later and I really don't want to wait till later on. I might as well get it done and over with.

I sighed and placed both of my pregnancy tests on the counter. He looked confused for a moment, but quickly realized what was going on.

" y-you're pregnant?" He said softly. I nodded my head. I sighed harder. This shit really isn't easy. " when did you find out?" He asked picking up the tests.

" last week" I said rubbing my head. It was silent for what felt like twenty minutes. " so?" I said. I was kinda upset that he wasn't saying anything. He was just staring at the tests.

" staring at it won't make it go away" I said shifting my position. He looked at me and he started walking towards me. He lifted me and kissed me passionately.

" we're having a baby" he said smiling. My straight face suddenly turned into a smile that I couldn't wipe off. This made me feel better.

" you aren't mad?" I asked while he put me down. " no" he said. But then he sighed " but what will your parents say? They don't even know my real age too"

I sighed as too. " well I'm going to have to come clean soon.. I can't hide it forever. I'm going to start showing soon anyways"

He rubbed my belly. He always instantly makes me feel better about any situation that I'm going through. I'm happy that I'm not going through this alone. This baby is going to change our lives forever.

" I knew something was up with you. Ever since you started acting weird in the car" he laughed.

We started joking around about the gender of the baby. " I have a feeling it'll be a boy" I said disagreeing with Deshaun. I found it odd that Deshaun wanted a girl. Usually men wish for a boy.

" so don't you have to make an appointment?" He asked. " yeah but I have to find a OB/GYN first. Then make an appointment soon." I said

He chuckled. " look at you researching and shit" he said embracing me with a hug. I did do a lot of research about pregnancy. I knew little facts about it. But as a soon to be mom, I thought it'd be responsible of me to know the importance of pregnancies.

I looked at the time. It read 6:45. I don't have a curfew but I wanted to get home before my stepmom made dinner. Plus I had laundry to do.
" baby I'm ready to leave. I have shit to do" I said while getting up.

" alright" he said grabbing his keys.
" so when are you going to tell your parents?" He asked. I was getting irritated of this conversation now. I just don't really want to address it. " I don't know.. but it's obviously going to have to be soon." I said looking at my house.

" I think you should tell them today or tomorrow." Deshaun said seriously. " it's just going to keep stressing you out which is real bad for our baby, and you're going to feel better once you get it off of your chest."

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