Chapter III: I Have A Secret

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Fourteen Weeks Pregnant~

It's been four weeks since I went to my doctors appointment. These past weeks have been pretty rough. I've entered my second trimester and I have been eating a lot. I still haven't told my dad the news yet.

Alisha has been helping me everyday and she's been making sure that I'm taking precautions to help keep my baby safe. I'm only fourteen weeks pregnant and my belly has the slightest bump to it. It's not noticeable unless I'm wearing a tight shirt.

Deshaun is a next one, although he takes this whole safety thing to a next level. Every minute he's blowing up my phone to make sure I'm eating properly.

I'm currently on spring break which has made my life ten times easier. Deshaun and I have been spending a lot of time together. We've been discussing our future plans together when the baby arrives.

Plus Adrian is coming home this evening for a couple of days. I thought to myself that this should be a good time to tell my dad the news with Adrian there.

"I think I want to tell my dad the news today" I said while talking to Deshaun on the phone.

" it's about time you say something" he said laughing.

" but are you gonna come tonight with me?" I asked. I almost forgot that he said he would be there when I finally tell my dad.

" about that, I'm doing a double at work today. I won't be home till midnight" he said. I instantly felt dumb.

" you couldn't have said that before? Now you got my hopes up and shit" I said getting annoyed.

" why you getting all scared for? I'm still here for you" he said trying to reassure me that everything will be fine.

I wasn't trying to hear it though. " mhm.. whatever. Bye" I said hanging up my phone. I've always had an attitude problem, but lately it's been super bad. I'm just not trying to go through this pregnancy alone.


" Since Adrian is on his way home, I ordered Chinese food which is obviously his favourite" Alisha said with a smile on her face. She loves Adrian more than she can describe him. She's so proud to mention the fact that he plays football at the University of Florida.

She freshened up the whole house and made sure his room was spotless. She bought all his favourite snacks and she even rented him a car to use while he's out here. That's her baby! She spoils the shit out of him.


The food finally came and now everything was set.

" he's not here yet?" My dad asked as he came through the door. I shook my head no. " he should be here soon" I said sitting on the couch.

Then there was a knock on the door. Alisha sprinted to the door as if she was doing a 100m dash on the track. " my baby!" she screamed as she yanked opened the door and jumped on Adrian.

We haven't seen him since last August which was seven months ago. He looked the exact same. A brown skinned, six foot four guy.

She smothered him with kisses as he nearly fell. " alright mom" he chuckled. As she let go of him, I walked over to him and gave him the biggest hug. " ah my lil' sis" he said while giving me a hug back.

I loved when he came home. We do everything under the sun together. He'll take me shopping, we go to the movies, go out for dinner etc.


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