My not so sweet 16......

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Today was not the best of days. Never thought of a day worse than today, everything has gone wrong. I woke up up and didn't really eat anything beside  apple and then decided to bake cookies for no reason as I was bored as hell. As I was reaching for everything I needed in the cupboard a mug feel out and smashed. I went to pick up the the pieces I cut my finger but my finger healed in a matter of seconds. 

Wait I know that sounds a bit crazy but let me introduce myself. My name is Athena Miller and not your average teenage girl. to be honest with you I'm just going to say it I'm a werewolf, yes I said it werewolf. You might thing I took the crazy pill or something but no its true and they are other supernatural creatures like vampires,witches, dragons etc.

I'm 15 years old turning 16 tomorrow, but I'm not looking forward to it. I come from a family of warriors, I have older brother, who is the best fighter the Green Moon pack has (don't ask about the pack name the elders named us, they are very 'Go Green!' you could say). Any way my old brother is very popular in our pack (especially with the ladies if you know what I mean) but not as popular as the alpha, beta and gamma. He is the delta he is not in the best friend group with them but he is good friends with them. 

My brother is a year older than me he just turned 17 he still has not found his mate his name is Milo Miller, my parents fell in love with that name before they even knew they was expecting him. They always wanted another child and year later they had me, I wasn't planned but it doesn't mean they love me any less then they love my brother. My parents had my brother when they was 17 they are now 34 and expecting their 3rd child which is a boy, which I'm kind of happy about that cause I'm still daddy's little princess but even if it was a little girl i would love her the same, any way tomorrow is my 16th birthday and its the day I find my mate, which I  am terrified about my brother, alpha, beta and gamma still haven't found their mate do I wanna be the first out of the 4? I don't wanna leave now, I want to stay and help my mum when she has my baby brother, I want to get to know him is that a bad thing? I know I won't be able to last long without my mate but the truth is I am a outcast, people are my 'friends' because of my brother, I come from a family of strong warriors but I can't fight no matter how much training I have or am given by the Alpha, beta and gamma. I'm just week there is no point of anyone wasting their time training me. what if I'm not good enough for my mate? what if he rejects me for being a weak warrior coming from a strong family of warriors? My mother always told me I am strong and I will be a great warrior I don't see that happening to be honest with you. My dad and Milo are always telling me I can do it but I just don't see me improving and I don't see me being a good warrior. 


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Thanks for reading 'Revenged driven mate' we really hope you enjoyed it, we worked really hard to make sure everything was the way we had planned it and wanted it, we have been writing for hours just to make sure that this is the way we want it and we even changed a few things and learnt new things. But we really hope you enjoy it! make sure you Fan, Comment and vote!

kerrie and holly! xx 

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