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Year 2019......
Location New Town, Nevada
Operation no law.

"Sir it's ready."
"Good, Good now let's inform the capital."
"Allright did."
"You say that like your proud of it. You do know we will make experimental history and all laws don't have a say. Gun Game will be a ultimate success."

This is an important announcement to the people in New Town Nevada a daom has been placed or you can call it a wall but anyway all law in the area is no more you can do anything you desire but you can't leave until thus "experiment" is finished you'll be guarded by military personnel and you don't need to worry about food or water air supplies will be dropping ever hour please go to the location. Escape is impossible and you can't do anything about it. That's all survive and conquer. Good luck. New Town will be renamed to district Charley.

A couple sitting in there home eating dinner with there new born twins. Saw the news cast and already crime has started and the gun fire one bullet flew through there house. Knowing that they will be eventually killed they packed up and left with the twins. Running dow the street and through the blood shed trying to find a place to hide they end up going to the hotel and unknown to them a gang already got there so once entering they were ambushed.
The gang told them to give them everything except for there close that they were wearing and so they cooperated. But one gang member saw the twins. The gang told the parents the take an agreement and agreement in witch they give up their children or be killed. Obviously the parents refused and grab both of the twins and run the father was killed before they even grabbed the twin the mother went to twin after being shot in the stomach said to one of the twins " never give up." After saying that she was shot the gang to took the twins it there hq and gave them to a guy named Ross. " Why in the hell are you giving me these kids?" he says, "I don't even know how to take care of them."
"Quit you stupid fucking wining and get to work you fatass."
With a sigh he took the kids to the back where he lived. He also named them him self.

Looks: long white hair and redish greenish eyes. Wears a t shirt and some shorts with white shoes.
Personality: Generous but rude and often steals very important stuff and doesn't care about others dying except for her sister who, she'll do anything for, Ross and, her friend Ben.

Looks: short black Hair with bits of blue hair dye. She has blue to green eyes. Wears a long sleeve skirt and skirt with some running shoes that have long striped socks.
Personality:Cheerful and kind. Hates killing and always wants something at sometimes.

Enjoy your stay. Bye.

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