one of two things

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"Thank you for the delivery, we'll make this curious kid be good boy."
A guy said with a devilish smile. "Well this kid here isn't allowed here so you can take him into your cult or kill him and eat him like you always do you cannibalistic asshole."
"Come now I thought we were buddys."
"Well this uncanny friendship is one don't like."
"how about I can show you what we do with kids like these, but I rather not because he looks so peaceful."
"Don't fuck with him in front of me go take your game somewhere else."
"Well it is a good talk but this conversation is going to end literally."
"What do you me-" the soldier was interrupted by a gun shot. He felt a burning sensation. Reaching down to his stomach he felt the liquid of his blood pouring out and the pain got more tense as he try to walk. As he fell he hit his head off the a corner off the coffee table witch knocked him out. "Sorry for that friend for fourteen years of dealing with your shit it is about time for our friendship to end. Purely."

2 months later......

"Come on Alex let me have the remote." Rue complains, "Well if you knew what a pain it was getting it then maybe." Alex says with a smile.
"Both of you zip it before I take the TV and smash it, you know I have the job to do tonight that I need the rest for."
"Well can a least get a TV for my room so then I don't need to share one then?" Rue asked, "That is a maybe because me and Ross had a bad time finding this one and getting it to work." Alex says with a growl. "Maybe you Can do something else than watch the TV." Ross says, " Because if that doesn't happen then we need to work out some problems you two need to fix." The twins sighed then continued to watch the TV and I know this is not the blood and gore part so I getting to that let me finish this part.

2:30 am

"Ross get going."
"Got it." Ross said while hurrying to the area.
"Hold it there hot shot, I wouldn't recommend continuing."
"Why not."
"Well to put it this way you'll get killed and we don't want that, no we want youto give us something important."
" Sorry but I'm not pulling any favors."
" Well this one you have to or we'll do it ourselves and you don't want that do you?."
Ross sighs. " okay what do you want?"
"Well those twins you take care of, I have a plan for them bring them to me at this time but be well armed." And with that the mystery shadow guy walked off while gunshots are heard from the distance.

8:30 am

We have this for you to look at and as punishment for not making it you will have to give us all you credits and things stolen to us until you settle you're $500.00 debt. ~ your friend Greg.

"damn, I have to watch or I'll be next, I'm sure he'll have my head or maybe worse." Ross growled. Knowing one more mistake could leave him dead.


Hello I have been gone in summer vacation and heck I'm back so I'll get some stuff taken care of and a new story that I'm working out will come too so heads up.
- See ya next time.

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