The beginning

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I woke up and already want to go to sleep again. I hate my life so much. I took my phone immediately and saw a text from my boyfriend, my best friend and some more from my friends. „Why is everybody texting me?" I hate to text so much after waking up. My bf texted me „Good morning". „Really? UHG why is he texting so cold what did I do again?" I texted him back „Good morning, why are you mad?" He texted back immediately „You don't remember? Yesterday I told you to text me when you go to sleep and if you go out and you didn't text me anything!" He can't be serious... I didn't even read that text from him! Well I didn't answer him after that and he got super mad and texted me non stop. I texted my best friend back and answered all my other friends. „Finally finished". I signed. I directly went on TikTok only to see that my boyfriend posted a video. In that video he said „I looked at my girlfriend and signed..." I was shocked and started crying. „Why am I crying?" My life was basted on other people. What they think about me, how I look in front of them, how much they liked me and so on. I was so insecure that I needed my bf to tell me that I was beautiful. So I clicked at his message and read it. „If you want me to delete that video come over right now!" I had no choice it would ruin my popularity. So I got ready but when I say my self in the mirror I started crying „why am I so fat..?" (I wasn't) After 5 minutes of crying I walked to his house. I didn't know what he wanted from me but he deleted that video. So I was relieved. I rang the bell and he immediately opened the door and said „Let's go to my room." He was mad I could hear it. When he closed the door he started hitting me saying „WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER MY TEXTS BEFORE THAT VIDEO?! YOUR SO UGLY AND I AM STILL YOUR BOYFRIEND SO NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!" The last kick hit me right in the stomach and I cought so hard. He just looked at me with disgust and I was laying there on the ground. I didn't know what to do so I just answered him saying „Yes, I understand". He then said great now let's watch a movie. I wanted to break up so bad but I knew that he would not let me do that. As we were watching the movie he apologized for hitting me and said that I was the prettiest girl. The insecurity didn't go away but after I went home I knew that I need to change me life.

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