Chapter 28: Daydreaming

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A/N: It's a long one. It's serious and a little light, too! You have to have some fun and cute moments, right? Do you like the dates? Hope you enjoy!!

'Cause, baby, lovin' you's the real thing
It just feels right

- "Daydreaming," by Harry Styles


"You what?" I asked, harsher than I intended. A wave of emotions hit me all at once-confusion, anger, hurt-but mostly confusion.

Our skin was still wet and warm from the shower, but suddenly, I felt cold. I pulled back slightly, my hands dropping from Lettie's hips as I stared down at her, trying to process what she had just said. Lettie kept her arms around my neck loosely, trying to keep me close, to stay.

"I sold the shop," Lettie repeated, her voice soft and almost hesitant now as if she was testing out how it felt to say it aloud. She looked up at me, her eyes filled with tears, searching my face for a reaction. But all I could focus on was the sudden realization that this was what had been creating the distance between us.

This was the thing I had been sensing, the thing she hadn't told me. I had been waiting, thinking that maybe it was just the stress from everything that happened with Simon or the trauma she was still processing. But now... now I know. And I was lost in a cyclone of emotions, not knowing what to feel.

"When?" My voice came out even harsher than before. "Why didn't you tell me?" I couldn't shake off the feeling of betrayal that was creeping into my heart.

Her expression changed immediately, and she released me from her hold, backing away from me. I instantly regretted the tone, but I couldn't help the confusion-and the anger-boiling inside me. How could she not tell me? Especially after we had just had a massive fight over me doing something behind her back. But this? This felt like something else.

Did she not trust me to tell me? We just moved in together, and she still couldn't tell me things. That was what hurt the most. She had been dealing with this alone and didn't think she could tell me.

"You didn't tell me," I spat. I stepped out of the shower, moving to grab a towel and drying myself off. I needed some space before I started crying or yelling at Lettie.

"I was going to tell you after the show," she explained quickly, scrambling to get dressed as I hurriedly dried myself. I could feel her eyes on me, watching my every move, sensing the shift in my mood. "I just... it just happened, and I wanted to tell you. I didn't want to hold it in."

"But you did hold it in," I said, trying to keep my voice steady, but it cracked with frustration. "How long have you been trying to sell the shop? How long has this been in motion?"

I was so mad, but I wasn't sure if I had the right to be this upset. I wasn't angry that Lettie sold her shop; it was about the fact that she hadn't told me sooner, that she had kept this massive decision to herself when I thought we were in this together. This was something that impacted both of us, and I wasn't even considered.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly. She was trying to dress quickly, her hands fumbling with her clothes. "I didn't mean to drop it on you like this. I didn't think-"

"Exactly," I interrupted, and I regretted the word as soon as it left my mouth. But it was too late. It was out there, hanging in the air between us.

She paused, her hands stilling as she looked up at me, hurt flashing across her face. I closed my eyes, trying to rein in my emotions. I didn't want to storm off, but every part of me wanted to escape this room, this conversation. But then I heard her voice again, softer, more desperate.

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