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Umm, things has been REALLY weird- Things have been going on like yesterday, but I feel like it's getting worse. I was staring at certain parts/areas of the gym in gym class and kinda kept wondering off/kinda isolating myself. I eventually went to the bathroom by myself and idk wha happened. I got the urge to draw/mark the mirror with the symbol and then I felt like throwing up after. I just felt a presence in the gym, like someone was there. I thought I saw a shadow in there a couple of times. Also I don't remember wha say this was, but I SWEAR I saw something/someone run across the yard where my window is. But yeah, things have just been, weird.. I think I have The Obsession. I have a lot of the symptoms. On the danger levels/scale, I'm on either one or two. You know how they say the creepypastas will start slowly ruining your life? Does that count with grades too? For some reason my grades are bad as shit! I'm usually good in school too. It's mainly Earth Science, but it's been a bit of Human Geography too. My grades are kinda my weak point. That's one of my biggest prides. The bad grades might just be them trying to drive me insane/isolate myself and shit. I'll just have to work harder and not let it get to me or get to me as badly. But I'm actually concerned for myself. My desire to kill and my hostilty/violence has only gotten worse. Can anyone help me..? Wha should I do?..

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