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By the time that Thalia's face hit the pillow, she closed her eyes and was woken up not even 2 hours later by her alarm blaring.

Match day.

It was the last friendly before the season would start and Thalia's first game with the Barcelona Femini team.

She was nervous.

She dragged herself out of the comfort out of her bed and took a shower, trying to wash the tiredness out of her system. She got ready and soon she was ready to leave, putting a total of 4 tickets on the table. Her twin and brothers were going back to America today but Thalia wanted them to attend to the game and got them free tickets.

She quickly wrote a note, put that besides the tickets and then left to the Estadi Johan Cruyff.

When she got there, she greeted her colleagues, the few who were earlier than her, and then she got set up inside of the examination room.

Pola was quick to join her as soon as the Spaniard also got there.

"Wow, you already set everything up."

Thalia raised an eyebrow at the statement, slowly nodding her head. "Well, of course?"

Pola shook her head. "Sorry, you look like shit, did you even sleep? Ohhh... was it another fun night with our captain?"

Thalia refrained herself from throwing the tape she was holding and instead took a breath to compose herself. "No. I had a visitor from America in my house and they needed my help so I gave them all the help I could give her."

Pola wiggled her eyebrows. "Whatever you say sexy."

Thalia raised both of her eyebrows, making eye contact with her best friend as the preparations were done. "I cannot believe that you're my best friend."

"I do. You need my rash decision making."

"I do not."

"Yes you do mi amiga. And that's totally fine because what would you do without me?"

The blonde shrugged. "Probably live life."

"Well, yeah. But! You wouldn't be macking it up to Alexia Putellas after a certain invitation to a certain party I threw."

Thalia stopped moving her hands, looking Pola dead in the eyes. "You were the one who planned the party?"

"Guilty. I'm also the reason why Mapi disappeared from between the two of you. Anyways. Who was the visitor you got last night?"

Thalia shrugged. "I cannot tell you that."

A knock on the door briefly paused their conversation, letting the person on the other side of the door in, which appeared to be Cata Coll. "Hey guys, can you tape my shoulder?"

"Yeah, of course. Come on in and take a seat."

Cata sat down and the two therapists continued their conversation as one player after another kept coming in for some last check ups and tapes. "You know that I'm not going to tell you who came flying over P."

"Of course I know but I can always try."

"Yeah, try and fail. Anyways, If you or Mapi still wants to see or talk to Marge, she's leaving tonight together with my brothers. I left tickets for the game for them."

"Oh, I would love to talk to them more. Talking about your twin, how are you dealing with the fact that Marge and Tom are pregnant?"

Thalia kept her professional demeanor at all times, keeping her eyes connected to the body parts of the players she was taping. "I'm happy for them. I truly am. Pregnancy has a certain risk with it and they know but at the same time, they never wanted anything more than a baby together. So yes. I am happy for them."

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