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Lexa paced the interior of her tent, uncertainty clouding her mind. She needed to fix things with Clarke of the sky people.

Lexa had tricked the sky people into believing they were going to save everyone from mount weather, not just the grounders.

What she had done was terrible, she knew it. She wouldn't be able to get over this one. But she was always able to forget about these types of things and move on. But this was different, this was Clarke. The one person who caused her real weakness since Costia.

Lexa let out a defeated sigh, something she only did when she was alone. She never let any sign of defeat show on her face, something she was quite good at.

After a few minutes of sitting on her throne twirling her knife in deep concentration a familiar voice brought her back to reality.

"Commander, we have visitor's from the ark at the entrance. " A voice recognized as Indras stated in a calm, non frightened tone.

The visitor left as quickly as she had arrived as Lexa followed her out of her tent shortly after Indra left. A group of armed grounders followed them as they walked to the entrance, saying nothing, but giving the sky people a warning.

Lexa said nothing to Indra on the short walk across the camp. She was too busy with her thoughts. What if Clarke was there? What would she say to her? Would she forgive me?

Lexa thought about all of this while managing to look calm and composed, another thing she was good at.

When they arrived at the entrance to the camp Lexa tried to find Clarke in the small crowed but didn't see her. Worry started to creep up her spin but she tried her best to ignore it, focusing on what they came here for.

Lexa spoke to the Chancellor, directly.
"Abby of the sky people." She nodded polity toward the Chancellor.

There was no response, Lexa focused her face on Abby, she noticed how angry she looked. It looked like she was about ready to attack her. Lexa showed no sign of disturbance.

Instead she asked "Where's Clarke?"

Abby scoffed at lexas remark.
"Why should I tell you after you left our people to die in that mountain?"

Lexas jaw tightened in frustration and annoyance when she didn't answer her question.

"I never agreed to help your people out of Mount Weather. But they did get out, alive." Lexa said emphasizing the last part. "Now, where is Clarke?" She said in a firmer voice this time.

"Clarke is gone! She left the ark, we don't know where she is." Abby spat, no longer trying to control herself anymore.

Lexa clenched her jaw together. The first thing she imagined was Clarke being attacked by leftover Reapers that were wandering the ground.

"We will get her back." Lexa said in an unreadable voice.

"What makes you think I want you helping me?" Abby said in anger.

The Grounders put their hands on their swords ready to defend but the commander held her hand up to stop them, they obeying immediately.

"Abby." Kane said giving her a warning glance.

Abby ignored Kane's advice. "She wouldn't be wandering out in these woods if you hadn't betrayed us at the mountain, she might still be alive."

"I have no doubt Clarke is still alive." Lexa said with confidence, not affected by Abby's speech of blame.
Clarke was smart, and without the Mountain Men or Grounders being a threat, she was perfectly capable of surviving. She knew her way around here. No, her biggest concern wasn't people, it was surviving the harsh weather and extremely cold nights.

"I believe we are done here, thank you Commander." Kane said trying to end this before it get worse.

Lexa just gave him a small nod and left before more insults were shouted from Abby.

Lexa was going to find Clarke, no matter what the Sky People said. She owed her.


Yay first chapter! I'm currently writing this kind of late at night so if it sucks, that's why. Please comment and vote so I know people are actually reading this and enjoying my story, thanks! :)

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