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"Man why the fuck you calling me so fucking early.?" I answered the phone hella irritated cause what the fuck

"Who the fuck you think you talking to.?"

"Shit my bad moma-


"Moma my bad.!" I sigh as I look at the clock and notice that it just touch 7 in the fucking morning

"Why aren't you up.?" My mother ask me

"Because its 7 in the morning why would I be up this early.?" I ask

"Because I got my son a good paying job and that job start today or did you forget when you was out partying last night.?" I heard my mother ask me

"Mom that job dont start until the 18-

"Newflash the 18th is today and you cant be late.! I even remind your hard headed ass last night, but nah you wanted to go party-

"I wasnt out last night-

"Stop, Dante im looking at Idris snap thingy now.!" I took a deep breath before sitting up and cuss low cause why the fuck does Idris have to video everything

"I was at the warehouse-

"And you said after you got out of jail that you wouldn't be slanging anymore-

"And mom im not, Idris had something there and I went no big deal-

"It will be if you get caught selling again.!" I know my mom was worried about me after the last time I got sent to jail. I got out maybe 6 months ago for a bust and that was bullshit to start with and that broke my mother heart so I promise to not go back to that life style. But it was easier said then done, fast money was fast money and it was good money and thats all I knew for years but I can at least try on my end.

"Dante I know this woman mother we go to church together and I put a good word in for you, please dont fuck this up-

"Mom ion even think that this job is meant for me-

"Dante it pays well and all you gotta do-

"Is be a fucking uber driver, im not a pet." I got up and put my pant on

"Boy you got one more time, now you need to be at the damn airport in two hours and you know how the Atlanta traffic be, so leave one of your whores house and get home-

"How you know im not already at home.?" I smirk

"Cause I know my fucking child, and when you get done with your job come straight here I'll cook dinner."

"Yes mother is that all.?" I groan

"Dont be late.!" I heard the phone hang up before I chuckle and shook my head

"Aye.!" I spoke loud enough before grabbing my shirt from the floor

"Mhm.?" I turn around and saw her moving around looking at me "Where you going.?" She ask

"Umh I gotta go.!" I walk out of the backroom to find my shoes and other shit

"Go where.?" She yelled from the back

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