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"So you really quit.?" Kiera ask

"Why you never knock.?" I ask as I watch her sit on my couch

"Is that gonna be an issue.?" She ask

"Be glad you my sister, and my job was done nothing more." I said

"Bullshit, yall were together wasnt it.?" Kiera ask

"My personal life isnt your business-

"It is when I could hear moma crying because she think you going back into the streets-

"Now why would she think that.?" I ask coming out of the kitchen

"Ion know let see, you quit your job a good paying job at that. You out all night with Idris and that dumb ass club and all of a sudden Delilah back in the picture but not even a month ago you said yall wasnt together.! So you tell me why mother thinks you back in the streets." Kiera said

"I'll talk to her-

"And you know thats not gonna be good enough, its like you proving them right-

"Who Kiera.?" I ask rolling my eyes

"Wynter mom and rest of the church-

"Kiera ion give a damn about those people-

"But moma does, do you know how embarrass it is to walk in church and have people talk about you and your family behind your back..... in the Lord house.?" Kiera ask

"See thats all problem yall worried about other motherfucker and what they say-

"And your problem is that you do the same, but hid behind this tough thug bullshit and you make unhinged bullshit move.!" Kiera said

"Ion know what to tell you im not in the street, damn I cant go out now.?" I ask

"Dude, you in the club almost everynight-

"I own the club-

"Part-owner and when you were driving Wynter around you wasnt even at the club like that. But all of a sudden you there like you live it, Dante if you go back to jail it will kill moma-

"Im not going back to jail-

"Right and the sky is the new black, tell that bullshit to someone else.! Did you even look over the books like you told me you were.?" Kiera ask

"No, I forgot-

"Or you were trying to get your mind off of Wynter.!" Kiera said

"Why you keep bringing her up.?" I ask

"Why you not.?" She ask

"She's not nothing to bring up-

"Again with the bullshit, usually when Idris calls her a bitch you defend her I counted last week at least three bitches that Idris called her and you said nothing.!" Kiera said

"Kiera you looking to deep into nothing-

"So you really are the dumbass everyone thinks you are." Kiera said

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