Chapter 11 - The Joy of Music

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A/N: I wanted to add before you start the chapter that the rebec is like an early version of the violin, since the violin was believed to have evolved from the rebec and fiddle.


Days turned into weeks as Tessa settled into the new routine. Every day she practised using her 'gift', seeking to perfect it, in order to use it against Mortmain in the future. She had agreed to this partly to please Charlotte, but mostly to learn the extent of her abilities for herself. She couldn't keep herself in the dark anymore. As she improved, she found she could hold another's face for longer, and she explored other more interesting things she never knew she could do.

Tessa was also taught self-defence by Gabriel and Gideon, both of whom were 'gifted' with fine fighting skills. She was an eager student, as she knew the newfound skills would be useful in the future. Sophie also took lessons, preferring, Tessa noticed, to be taught by Gideon.

However, the days could be lonely without a friend. Tessa was grateful to Jem, who always seemed to be there for her. He visited her every day now that his leg was better, and loved to show her around.

Will, on the other hand, was always busy, either out on missions or training. One time when she had tried to ask him why he was avoiding her, he called her a 'distraction.' From what, however, she didn't know. It was as if the dance at the feast was just a distant dream.

Since Tessa was finished her lessons early today, she decided to go and visit Jem while he was working. Sophie had given her the directions to the infirmary, so Tessa followed them to find where Jem spent the majority of his days. She realised she hadn't yet visited him, since he had always visited her, and she was looking forward to surprising him for once.

Opening the infirmary door, she was greeted by rows upon rows of beds. All were empty, except for one at the end, which Jem was standing beside.

A young woman approached her and asked, "Can I help you?"

Tessa was surprised because she had assumed Jem was the only one who worked here. "I was just hoping to see Jem," she replied a little guiltily, for coming here without a valid reason.

However, the woman smiled knowingly. "Ah, you must be Tessa. I've heard all about you. Come in, he won't be long." Suddenly she remembered to introduce herself. "Where are my manners? I'm Mary. I work here as an assistant to Jem."

Tessa strangely felt relieved at her words. The girl was very pretty, and she must know Jem well if they worked together. She was surprised to find slight feelings of jealousy stir within herself. "It's nice to meet you, Mary."

Tessa walked in and watched in interest as Jem rubbed a healing poultice on his patient's arm, which was purple with bruising. He also gave the man a bottle with some more of the poultice, and advised him to take it easy until it healed. The man thanked him, and strode out with the bottle.

Turning around, Jem's eyes lit up when he saw her. "Tessa! What a lovely surprise to see you here."

Tessa blushed slightly. "I hope I'm not intruding or anything, I just thought I'd like to come and see where you work."

Jem shook his head and beckoned to her. "Of course you're not intruding. Come, I'll show you around."

He pointed out a rack with herbs and told her the uses of each one. "This is marjoram. I used it to make the healing poultice you just saw me use. It's helpful for reducing bruising and swelling."

Tessa asked with curiosity, "But can't you just use your 'gift'?

"I could, but Charlotte forbade me to use it unless I really need to. She wants me to conserve my strength. Besides, I learnt a lot about other healing techniques from my years serving King Elias. It's good to keep my knowledge fresh," Jem responded in explanation.

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