Mind the woman

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That was officially all I was going to endure.

I had seen deaths, heard ridiculous stories and legends and put up with a filthy hotel room.

But no more.

I couldn't believe it took me so long to figure it out, but I wanted... what I really needed to do... was to enter Eel Marsh house itself.

I didn't give a damn about 'scary stories' or 'the burden it will bring onto Heath village'. My decision was final. I had come here for a purpose, and that purpose was to find my missing husband, dead or alive. No one would get in my way at this point.

I had 5 more days until I departed home, and to me, that seemed plenty of time. Wasting it on stories was very foolish. It was planned out. I would approach the house this afternoon, and after a thorough search of the house, I would leave.

Perhaps with my husband?


I stood 100 yards away from the towering house, holding my bags tightly in my sweaty palms, and biting my lip uncertainly. I would have to proceed on my mission. I had vowed to myself I would at least try, and going home with nothing but, 'I was too afraid to enter' seemed intolerable and unacceptable.

I took a couple of steps forward, shuffling my feet.

My mind wondered back to this morning, when I checked out of the inn and bid the weedy man at the desk a farewell.

(flash back)

'Leaving so soon madam?' He enquired, a mildly surprised expression.

I shook my head.

'I'm not leaving Heath village, however I have found some... other premises to stay in...'

I figured it might alarm a few, knowing I was staying in an abandoned house, thought to be cursed and completely empty, so decided that would be all the information I would reveal.

He nodded.

'Very well, but please sign here first, so I have a record of your stay and checkout.'

I scribbled the information needed on the thick piece of parchment, and handed the pen back to the man.

'Thank you for staying at Heath inn, please come again soon!'

The man said, with an unenthusiastic tone, pointing out this was probably something he did everyday.

'Thank you, such kindness.'


I checked the watch in my pocket. It was quarter past 2. I had made the mistake of skipping breakfast, explaining the peculiar grumbling sounds, emerging from my stomach. I decided I would get a bite to eat, after I had searched the house. Until then, I would survive on the apple I had saved from the inn.

I felt in the bag, looking for it, when my eye caught a signpost by the house, covered in moss and dirt and over-grown weeds. I approached it, cautious, as I hadn't yet come so close to the house before. Brushing off bits of grass and leaves, I could make out some engraved words.

'Mind the woman'.

I was shocked. Surely, even though a few around here believed the tosh about the woman 'back from the dead', they wouldn't actually put up a blooming SIGN. I sighed. Perhaps some children had put it up as a joke. Or a warning. Well no silly sign was stopping me from entering. And as for 'Janet'...well, did I need to continue?? Ghosts. Meant to scare children. Not adults. I firmly turned my head towards the house.

Briskly walking up the path to Eel Marsh house, I thought to myself.

'I mean really. Ghost don't exist.'

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