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Trials and games become an everyday standard

Helpers to the almighty hide everywhere

Untapped wealth is quickly snatched up

Nipping cold will not stop the successful hunt

Donning feathery frills, we dance for the eagle

Elder poles dot the weaving dancers in ferns

Random tribes do not make one people

Bellowing under the cannon and railroad

Insidious soul eaters are brought to light

Raven watches over us to his amusement

Dangling bundles uphold the secret power of guardians

Ominous wings flap under the cape of the moon

Whistles of the hunted rat echo to common children

Legends of the dead screeching above

Some choose to side with the white man

Picking off competition for scant land

Illusion gives way to a deadlier mirage

Devious children of the lightning bolt scout

Exploring began long before we had to

Rattles shake up the desert sand

We till the land hard to make the most

Our good people are of good faith

Many soon met with a striking blow

A great many believe in the happy hunting ground

Nether regions are inhabited by the shadows

Slipping away from eager bachelors

Enmity turns the beasts against man

Dame of the cold dark sea

Nails shorn and left for dead

A lurking queen of the underworld

Copyright © published by C.Lmauve, 2024.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

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