Love: Military Style Chpt. 5

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My hands were shaking as I brushed my hair. It was almost time for Tanya's party, and I wasn't sure if I could go through with it. My knees were shaky, and the butterflies in my stomach were more like birds.

The talent show had went amazing. We were one of the last performances, and it worked to our advantage, seeing everyone else perform to get pumped. While our song wasn't loud and fast, it helped us be ready. 

Tanya was amazing. Her smoky voice sounded beautiful as she sang about a plain gold ring. Her eyes closed shut in a look of utter contentedness to be in front of a crowd. She wore a long, white dress, with cutouts revealing her smooth, tan skin. Her hair fell in wild, windblown curls all around her shoulders, giving her an ethereal look. I wore a simple red lace dress, that belled out at the waist and ended at my knees. 

David went right before us. I loved watching him box. His muscles bunched and smoothed out as he attacked the other person. I had looked out into the crowd, looking for Sara's look of pride and adoration. She beamed while she watched her son. My eyes slid over and caught Theo's. He had a small smile on his face, before turning back to watch David.

When our time finally came, my heart raced. Not with fear or terror, but with pleasure. Playing piano was my favorite thing, and sharing my music with those around me inspired joy. The opening bars of the song proceeded, and I fell into the music, playing what I had composed. As Tanya's voice floated around the auditorium, my eyes caught Theo's again.

"In my heart,

It will never be spring.

Long as he wears that plain, gold ring.

 I will remember until my dying days."

The words struck me, as they never had before. I suddenly began to alter the music, adding and twisting the chords, to match Tanya's levels, and enhance the song even further. She didn't miss a beat. She simply smiled back at me. 

I had told her about Theo after our second encounter. She had squealed, and jumped up and down like a child.

"You know what this means? WE'RE GONNA BE SISTERS!" she screamed.

"What," I paused to check my ear for damage, "do you mean?"

"I'm gonna marry David, and you'll marry Theo," she answered, not really noticing the look of utter bewilderment on my face.

"You're smoking crack, and not the good kind. I'm not gonna marry him. We just met. We aren't even dating!" my voice began to raise, sounding slightly hysterical.

"Oh, untwist your panties, and grow a pair. You guys totally have the hots for each other. The way you described him, and how he walked around with his shirt off." She continued looking at the clothes racks in front of her, searching for her outfit. Her fingers fluttered over the hangers, only moving them when she thought the outfit would be perfect.

"It's not happening Tanya! Never! He and I...well it just ain't happening sister!" I huffed, unable to defend my reasoning.

Now, as I checked my reflection again, I began to doubt my outfit choice. And putting in an appearance. I didn't have to go, did I?

My eyes traveled up and down my body, checking to make sure that I matched and that I looked good. I wasn't doing my hair and makeup by myself. Tanya had invited me over for a makeover before the party. The perks of having your best friend live down the street are vast.

My frantic, emergency shopping trip had paid off. I wore a white crop top, similar to the one Lily Collins wore in Abduction. My legs were bared by a pair of black shorts covered in silver lace. I had on my favorite pair of boots, because I was lacking in the footwear department.

Love: Military StyleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin