Haruka Nanase x Reader

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You stared in wonder at the raven haired boy who was in the swimming pool doing laps. This was almost becoming a daily routine. You don't even know how this started now that you think back to it. Ah! All you could remember was coming here to study because it was quiet and barely anyone was here at all. That's when you saw Haru doing laps. It almost became too familiar, you studying and him swimming. After a while you stopped studying, finding no use for it, and just watched him. You'd always come to see him here when you were done doing what ever it is that was occupying your time.

You had knew him for quite some time now, meeting him through Makoto. You eventually grew feelings for him after talking to him and finding out his weird love for water. Haruka Nanase was his name, to you he could swim forever just like a dolphin. It was pretty late in the day, you were sitting on the bleachers while he was of course, swimming. You looked down at your phone to check the time and yawned.

"You look tired. You know can go if you want to [Y/N]," he said in his usual monotone voice.

"Huh? Oh no I'm not tired at all," you shook your head vigorously almost as if you were trying to indeed shake the sleepiness off you.

You got up from sitting on the bleachers. Not before putting your phone in your bag and walked towards, crouching down in front of him. He looked like he was getting out of the pool, holding out his hand, so you can help him out. You grabbed his hand and all of a sudden it got very cold. It took you a second to realize what he had done.

"Haru! What was that for?!"

He just shrugged his shoulders swimming around on his back. You looked at him, baffled, then looked at the water luckily you didn't have your bag or phone on you at the time. Just then Haru had swam up to you, still in thought you then realized he was right in front of you. He put his hands on your waist, "Hold your breath."

"Wait wha-"

"1. 2. 3."

You guys were both underwater together, you opened your eyes, your vision cloudy. Haru was looking at you like he was trying to figure something out. His face started getting closer until his lips were on yours kissing you. When you registered what was happening you kissed back, closing your eyes. You opened them and by now you guys were out of the water. You were panting deeply while Haru looked unfazed. Under watering kissing is dreadful, but in the heat of the moment it was all you could ever wish for.

"Hey [Y/N]?"


"I love you."

You paused, "More than water?"

He stayed quiet. I mean what did you expect?
"Fine. I love you too," You said while chuckling a bit. You made a mental note to thank Makoto for introducing you later.


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