april 5, 1997

572 39 0

double update//

west finally came back to there flat after a long day of work.

"im home" west dropped her bag down the couch

"ashton?" west yelled walking to there bedroom

she gasped seeing the sight that was in front of her

"coast, baby it doesnt look like what it seems!" ashton calling west by the nickname he used to call her

"i thought you loved me!" marie paced out the room, tears trailing down her eyes

"i do love you" ashton chased west to the kitchen

"get away ashton! take you and that girl away from my house! i don't ever want to see you again! i hate you!"west slapped ashton across the face before locking her self in the bathroom.

"im sorry" was the last thing ashton said before getting out of the house

west didnt mean what she said.

she still loved him no matter what


Ashton didn't come back. This is a flashback where it all began if you were confused


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