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Marjorie took a deep breath. Why should she make the crucial decision?

She wasn't in the right head space for it.

She was cold. She was tired. She had just got the news that she had lost a good friend and damn it she had squeezed another human being out a few hours ago!

"Reece is right. We need everyone now."

The pain and betrayal was written all over Autumn's face. "If it had been Reece, would you have made the same decision?"

Marjorie looked down. No, she wouldn't have.

"Thank you, Marjorie," Mia said.

Autumn turned away from the group and walked to the railing of the bridge. She just stared into the distance. The rushing of the water under the bridge was the only sound echoing through the darkness.

Reece stepped up to Marjorie and knelt in front of her in the snow. " How are you feeling?"

" The way someone feels after giving birth. But I'm fine, we're fine."

Reece smiled at her, gave her a kiss, and then took a closer look at the little bundle in Marjorie's arms.

"It's a boy," Marjorie said happily.

"Hello, Max." That was the name the two of them had agreed on if it was to be a boy.

Carly now joined in. "We need to find shelter for the night. Otherwise, the cold could be dangerous."

"We can set up camp under the bridge," said Mia.

Reece looked at his girlfriend with concern. She looked pale and completely exhausted.

"Yes, that would be best." He helped Marjorie to stand up. "Carly, have a look under the bridge."

The girl ran off and carefully walked down the small path on the side of the bridge. "It's safe," she called out.

Carly climbed back up the small hill to where Reece was waiting with Marjorie. She helped Marjorie down. Reece, on the other hand, remained at the top, looking critically at Mia, who was walking towards Autumn.

" Autumn... I'm really sorry... something thing like this happen..."

Mia was ignored by her, she just continued to look into the distance.

The redhead sighed and turned to go to the others.

Reece was waiting for Mia. The two make eye contact. Both were worried.

Mia was halfway by Reece. When she stopped. Her legs suddenly stopped working. A bang echoed.

Reece watched in shock as Mia's right eye exploded and she fell to her knees and then onto her side. The snow turned red.

Behind the woman now lying on the ground stood Autumn, her gun still held out. She had shot Mia in cold blood, in the back of the head.

Reece stood rooted to the spot, his sister simply walked past him without saying a word. She ignored the body on the ground and got under the bridge too.

Mia was heavier than expected. Reece couldn't just leave her there. He carried her to the woods. How he wished he could bury her.

What should he do now?
How could he ever forgive Autumn?
How should things continue with the group?

Snow began to fall.

"I hope you're at peace now, Mia," he whispered.

When he arrived under the bridge, a fire was already burning. Marjorie sat leaning against the wall. A blanket around her and the child in her arms. They were both asleep.

Carly sat by the fire with her knees pulled to her chest.

Autumn was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Aut?" Reece asked, the shock still in his bones.

" She went hunting.... She killed Mia, didn't she?" asked Carly.

" Yes..."

The man sat down next to Marjorie and hugged her tightly. Only now did he felt the stabbing pain in his damaged leg.

Carly fell asleep after a while. Her head rested on her knees.

Reece stayed awake, staring into the fire. When he heard footsteps, Autumn stepped into the light of the fire. She threw two dead rabbits on the ground. "For breakfast tomorrow," she mumbled.

Then she walked away and sat down at the edge of the river that ran under the bridge.

A cold wind started blowing, a storm is coming.

You have made your decision. Death now caught up with Mia in the form of Autumn's wrath. If she was forced to leave. She would have gone into an uncertain future, but alive.

I warned you last time to vote for the good of the whole group and not just for one person. I hope you learned your lesson.

The next vote will come. Then you will have to choose what you're willing to sacrifice.

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