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A/N: I didn't know what song to put here😭there are going to be mentions of alcohol, pills, and smoking.

Please tell me your thoughts on this story so far

The hours had passed, and the clock now showed 5 p.m. The sun had begun to set, casting a warm orange glow over everything. [Name] stood up from her chair, stretching her limbs after spending the entire day working on those cursed papers. She decided it was time to go home and get ready for the evening. She considered herself lucky that no one had bothered her while she worked—a rare occurrence given how Ran and Rindou usually found pleasure in disrupting her day. They would often drop by her office just to annoy her, or Takeomi, the eldest executive, would sometimes barge in, open her window, and smoke, filling the room with smoke despite her complaints.

Kokonoi occasionally popped in as well, either to drop off more paperwork or to search for painkillers for his relentless headaches. Kakucho would also enter her office from time to time, but only to shoo everyone else out. The only ones who didn't disrupt her work were Mikey and Mochi, though Sanzu sometimes joined the Haitani brothers in their antics. Despite their constant interruptions, [Name] knew she had to maintain a polite and respectful demeanor toward the executives, no matter how irritating they could be. She often wondered how Mikey managed to deal with them himself.

She remembered the time Ran had decided to connect his phone to the speaker in her office and blast music, filling the entire floor with noise. Kakucho had scolded him for disturbing the other subordinates, but it didn't end there. [Name] herself had been reprimanded by Mikey for not kicking Ran out, which left her deeply frustrated. It seemed absurd to her that she was somehow at fault for Ran's antics, adding another layer of stress to her already demanding job.

But before she could even reach her door to head home, a familiar voice crackled through the speakerphone on her desk. "Can you go to my brother's floor real quick?" Of course, it was Rindou. [Name] stood at the door, her hand hovering over the knob, contemplating whether she should just ignore the request and act as if she was already gone.

"Please," Rindou added, sounding unusually earnest. With a sigh, [Name] turned back and pressed the button to respond. "You have an assistant for a reason," she replied calmly, though inside she was fuming.

"I don't want her, and she's short," Rindou responded, his tone casual, as if that somehow justified his request.

"What's her height got to do with anything?" [Name] asked, her voice a mix of confusion and irritation.

"Look, I need your help. You'll see it yourself. Please come to my brother's floor," Rindou insisted.

Resigned, [Name] complied and made her way to Ran's floor, which was on the 70th. Nearly every executive had their own floor, with their respective subordinates working within their specific department. [Name] couldn't help but wonder what kind of mess awaited her this time.

This bitch really knows how to pick the worst times to talk to me, she thought, her frustration simmering just beneath the surface as she made her way to the elevator.

A few seconds passed, and [Name] stepped out of the elevator. Her calm expression immediately twisted in disgust. I forgot his subordinates are mainly working in the escort business, she thought as she made her way down the hall. The walls were painted a light purple, but every door was black.

If this isn't serious, I will beat. his. ass. up, she thought, ignoring the lustful and judgmental gazes thrown her way. This floor was a mix of everything you'd expect in this line of work—women and men seducing their enemies, strippers, pimps, and more. She spotted Rindou's distinctive purple jellyfish haircut and approached him, keeping him at arm's length.

I don't know what's going on (Bonten x F!reader)Where stories live. Discover now