Jk do you really smoke?

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Double update 🥳

After University, Parking Lot

Jungkook went to parking lot, his mind was still replaying today's event,how he felt connected to tae, he felt so comfortable with him but still he is scared of tae getting too close to him and find out his secrets.

As he reached his bike, he noticed Taehyung and Yeonjun standing nearby, talking to each other. Jungkook hesitated, not wanting to interrupt, but Taehyung's sharp eyes saw him immediately.

Tae - hey Jungkook!

Yeonjun glanced over, gave a knowing smirk, and made a quick exit, leaving Taehyung and Jungkook alone.

Jungkook waved back,feeling weird,He took a step forward but didn't notice the rock in his path. His foot caught on it, and before he could steady himself, he stumbled,and was about to fell but strong hands grabbed him just in time.

Tae - you okay?? (concern)

Kook - yes I'm fine,thank you, just clumsy. (mumbled, quickly straightening up)

He noticed his bag had fallen, spilling some of its contents onto the ground. Among them, a small pack of cigarettes slid into view.

Jungkook's heart stoped for a second, He moved quickly, snatching up the pack and shoving it back into his bag, but not before Taehyung's eyes landed on it, he was shocked.

Tae - Do you... really smoke?? (Low voice)

Jk cursed himself under a breath.

kook - I-I...yeah, sometimes.(wave of guilt wash over him)

Tae - Kook, that stuff is no joke. Why... why do you do it?
Taehyung's brows furrowed, concern replacing the shock on his face.

Kook - It's not something I'm proud of...But it helps. When things get too heavy, it's like... it's like an escape. (Gulped and looks down)

Tae - This isn't the place to talk about it. Let's grab some lunch, okay? There's a cafe nearby. We can talk more there
(Taehyung deep sighed, run hand through his hair normal yet serious voice)

Kook - Okay, let's go (he was hesitant but found himself agreeing)

At the Cafe

The cafe near the university was small and cozy, with soft music playing in the background

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The cafe near the university was small and cozy, with soft music playing in the background. They found a quiet corner, away from prying eyes and ears. Jungkook stared at his untouched coffee & cheese sandwich.

Tae - jungKook, I need to know... how long have you been smoking? (Deep voice)(Serious but gentle)

Kook - A couple of y-years, maybe. It's not all the time...just when I can't handle things (shivered at voice,shaky breath)

Tae - And Minho hyung knows? (Taehyung's eyes softened when he saw him shivered, and he place a comforting hand on Jungkook's hand)

(jungkook told him about Minho,but didn't tell him about mafia stuff)

Kook - Yeah, he k-knows. He h-hates it. He's tried everything to make me stop,punishments, talking it out, taking me to a doctors,but it only helped a little. I still-I still need it sometimes.

Tae - Why didn't you tell me? (Tae asked,hurt voice)

Kook - (admitted)

Tae - Kook, I don't think less of you. I'm just... I'm worried about you. You don't have to go through this alone(holds his hand thighly)

Jungkook looked up, meeting Taehyung's eyes for the first time since they sat down. There was no judgment there, only concern and a deep, unspoken understanding.

Kook - mini hyungie tried so hard,Yesterday, I had a cigarette because I was stressed... about everything that happened. Minho hyungie was so angry, and I just... I felt like I needed it."

Tae - What happened yesterday really got to you, didn't it?

kook - Yeah. It wasn't just the fight. It's everything trying to keep up with school, with Minho hyungie's expectations... Sometimes, it's too much.(nodded)

Tae - I get it,I really do. But you can't keep doing this to yourself. Smoking might feel like it's helping, but it's only hurting you more in the long run.
(Taehyung said softly)

Kook - I know. I know you're right. It's just... hard to stop. (Jungkook sighed, running a hand through his hair)

Tae - Then let me help you, You don't have to do this alone, Kook. You have me, you have Minho hyung, and your friends. We're all here for you.(firm but compassionate)

Jungkook felt a warmth spread through him at Taehyung's words, a sense of relief that he didn't have to carry this burden by himself.

Kook - I don't want to disappoint anyone, especially Mini hyungie. He's done so much for me.

Tae - You won't disappoint him He just wants you to be safe and healthy. We all do. And if that means helping you kick this habit, then that's what we'll do.

Kook - Thanks, Taehyung hyung I... I don't know if I can do this

Tae - You don't have push yourself that hard And whenever you feel the urge, you come to me instead. We'll figure it out together, okay?(Taehyung smiled gently, squeezing Jungkook's hand)

Jungkook felt tears prick the corners of his eyes, but he blinked them away, not wanting to break down in the middle of the café.

Kook - Okay hyung. I'll try my best

Tae - That's all I ask. Just try. And remember, you're not alone in this ( smile widened )

Jungkook nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination,With Taehyung's support. After that they had their meal and went back to their own mensions.

As soon as jk got home he changed and called minho & told him everything what ever happened with him today, skipping the ciggarette part.and he fell asleep while talking to minho.

That's it for Today

Really sorry if this chapter isn't good.

I hope you all liked it
Please ignore my mistakes.

Please tell me which was your favorite part in the story?

How was the episode?

How was the taekook??

What do you think about kook smoking?

How tae will make sure that kook doesn't smoke?

Which was your favorite moment of taekook?

Can you guess what will happen in next part?

What do you think How kook will meet his other brothers?

If you have any suggestions please tell me in comments.

Pleaseee VOTE bunnies💜

Love you,take care
Thank you❣️

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