Loving You Is Easy : Justin Bieber Austin Mahone Harry Styles

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Hey guys! I think it's time for a fanfic. An amazing fanfic! Can you guys read and vote for me please? Thank you! I won't let you down! This story is going to be called, "Loving You Is Easy" I'm excited! #Mahomie #Belieber (: love you! Xoxoxo


Lily, Cynthia, & Elena all graduate from high school, Sheldon High School to be exact. SHS was the high school they went to together for those 4 years! They were the best of friends and are hoping to still continue their friendship after High School.

One of the friends decides to go ahead and plan a vacation to a tropical place in the world, and the other two don't know.

Lily Vu is OBSESSED with Austin Mahone, while Cynthia Ramirez is in love with Harry Styles and one day hopes to meet and do more if you know what I mean (: and Elena Von Schweinitz, she's hoping one day she'll become a famous photographer and meet the love of her life, Ross Lynch <3!

Together these three girls make a powerful team. They're always there for each other. We'll see what's going to happen on this fabulous adventure.

Lets get your read on people! This story will have dirty and explicit parts so be aware!

Love Yah! Xoxo

Loving You Is Easy : AustinMahoneWhere stories live. Discover now