Chapter 1 ~

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*graduation music playing*

Elena's POV

"Ahhhh!", I mouth at Lily trying not to make it noticeable, and also trying not to smudge my amazing blossom matte pink lipstick. I can see the future, I can taste it smell it, FEEL it!

Looking to my right, Cynthia was standing next to me! My other best friend!

Cynthia's POV

Looking to left at Elena, and back at Lily to my right, I smiled. What a day to remember! I feel achieved, amazed, and happy to start the new chapter in my life! Especially when it's with my two best friends!

Lily's POV

Breathe in breathe out, breathe in breathe out. I'm standing here shaking and looking at my two beautiful best friends, Cynthia's wearing her black gown and made it have a little bling on the front. She bedazzled her initials onto her Grad cap and gown! How cute, and Elena well she's always pretty but today since it was a special occasion she went to a hair stylist and makeup artist to get everything done!

How special, special enough for this type of day. (:

*Pause looks to the front*

"Please hold your applause til the end of the senior ceremony please." Mrs. Harold said.

Alli Clay,

Damon Jaconny,

Elena Von Schweinitz,

Cynthia Ramirez,

Lily Vu,

Danielle Townsend,

Ambry Carter,

ETC. (lol)

As Mrs. Harold calls each seniors name out, I'm just thinking to myself. And saying breath Lily just breathe don't forget to strut that stage. You can only do it once!

And I hear Lily Vu

"Thank You Mrs. Harold", I mouth and smile widely.

I look over to Elena and Cynthia, winking at them and taking my place in line.

"I am HONORED, to present to you class of 2017! This years seniors have been spectacular! Sheldon High School will definitely miss you here in Sacramento, California! (: This is the new chapter of your life! I wish you luck, joy, and love." Mrs. Harold pleaded

*music plays loudly again*

Cynthia's POV

"AHHHHH! GUYS WE'RE FINALLY ADULTS NOW! Can you believe this?!" I screamed with happiness.

"I feel like I'm still in High School, I'm going to miss you Sheldon" Elena says patting the walls and admiring them for the first time.

Tears come down Lilys face which makes me tear up, which makes Elena ball! We each hug each other and hug our close friends and hug every single senior then teachers!

Man oh man will I miss this place.

We go on to meet with our family to take pictures!

Lily's POV

As I come out from backstage I go to my family, to get bombarded with flowers and hugs and tears of joy!

Elena's POV

My family gathers around to take pictures! Flowers left and right! My favorite were the roses.

Cynthia's POV

My mom and dad comes to comfort me with happiness in there eyes, my sister shoves through with her son and hugs me and my nephew hugs my legs! Haha! :')

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