Chapter 16 ~ Justin Austin Justin? Harthia!

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I'm dedicating this one to Justin Drew Bieber. I know he's been having a tough time! I love you Justin! =)

Cynthia's POV

We're here?! Already? Buuut. So far, this night has been going really nice! Well for me at least.. Maybe not so much for Lily.

I went over to talk to her and Justin as everyone got their luggages from the compartments under the bus.

"Hey guys!" I cheekily smiled. "Hey!" Lily replied. "Whats up?" Justin asked. "Oh no no... Nothing nothing..." I looked at Lily and she knew exactly what I was thinking! Great minds! She winked at me. I mouthed 'get some of that Jerry' I laughed.. We both laughed and Justin looked. "Umm what's so funny?" He smiled. "Weeell, Lily was just saying tha--" "THAT NOTHING! You'll see Justin! You'll see" she cut me off and answered.

He made a cross eyed face. As if he was confused! Haha.

"You guys want to go on now?" Harry grabbed my waist from behind and asked. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!" I jumped. I even scared Harry... "BABE! ITS ME!" I shouted standing VERY still. Haha I laughed and hugged him tight and took in his scent. Mmmm. "Oh sorry Harry. I just squeal when guys do that! It's just like weird to me!!" I giggled and kissed his cheek.

He looked at me like a weirdo! His weirdo ;) .. He gave me the 'we need to talk face' too. So I walked outside and got my suitcase and walked in with him.

Harry's POV

"Babe... Lily BETTER NOT, hook up with Justin. I see how they're looking at each other. I see them.. We were kind of like that when we first met each other. And Austin has been texting me non stop. Just tell her to --"

"No Harry. No. How did you NOT tell me about them at least?! That was the least you could do. Lily is going to get it on tonight. She needs it. Look at the things she's done for us. Look around Harry open up your eyes. Now, you can tell me what she needs to absolutely do that SO great for her."

I was actually in great amount of shock... It's true. But I didn't finish my statement.

"Cynthia, look he's been texting me all this crap I don't want to see my best guy friend, hurt."

I showed her the texts.


Austin: Please Harry... Tell her to call me.

Austin: I need this help from you man! This hurts...

Austin: Harry! Dude seriously just tell her. I need my Lily back.

Harry: Yeahh... Lad I'm not sure I'm able to do so anymore. Justin's here.

Austin: Fuck. Wow. Great.

Harry: Get some rest. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

I know it might be weird. But guys do come to me for there advice and help. And that's a good thing... But it gets pretty annoying.

"Well. It's his fucking fault." She dropped my phone in my hands and walked into the hotel.

Lily's POV

"JUSSSSTTTTIIINNNNNN! AHHHH!" I opened up my arms and he pulled up and into his shoulders. "DUDE LET ME DOWN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!"

I. Cant. Feel. My. Head. Ahh.

"No Lily! I got to loosen this body of yours up!" He chuckled. He grabbed my stuff and we ran out the bus into the hotel to check in.

"Can you umm I don't know LET ME GO." I shouted.

People started looking. And taking pictures. Why do people do this... Well, I can't look like a fool, on a mega fools back! So I posed and smiled. I could feel Justin smiling.

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