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Peter's POV:

I was having a normal peaceful nap (as peaceful as it could be for a demigod) until... AHHH, that.

What to know what that sound is? My older brother Percy Jackson. Yes, that one the 'Greek Legend' himself, though he has many titles like 'Hero of Olympus' or Seaweed Brain. Except that the second one only Annabeth can call him that, only Annabeth can. Leo called Percy that once as a joke right, and lets just say that he didn't leave the infirmary for 3 weeks.

So I jumped out of my bunk (I got the top one), and put on a white t-shirt as I had a tracksuit on anyway and zoomed to see what problem he caused this time, and when I say zoomed I did literally. I'll let you on a little secret, I'm the fastest man alive, faster then the wind gods. How? You'll find out later on. I didn't run that fast as I might send someone flying into Thalia's tree (lets just say it's happened before). While I was zooming I bumped into Clarisse.

"Hey shithead watch where going!!" Clarisse screeched.

"Shithead?" I enquired raising an eyebrow as I turned to face her.

"Yee... oh its you Pete" she replied turning to face me.

"Sorry..." she muttered

"Apology accepted" I said smirking a little, 'Anyway it's my fault I'm the one that bumped into you... so what did Percy do this time?' I asked her.

"Huh... oh, he threw a bucket of water at Annabeth" she explained

"Again?!!" I questioned stomping my foot in frustration

"Yeah... again, I think this time it landed on you girlfriend too" she answered

"Amy?" I asked again with an evident tone of frustration.

"Who else?!?" Clarisse replied. "Now if you excuse me I have Archery practice" she pushed me aside and continued walking.

Wow someones grumpy today I thought as I ran to the Athena cabin to which I found Percy backing up slowing in my direction as two girl approach him wielding two swords each. Jeez I thought as I examined the damage that has already been done. Percy had his t-shirt ripped from the front exposing his upper torso, he also had ripped jeans and a few cuts around his thighs.

"Hey" I yelled grabbing all of their attention. To no surprise Percy came running in my direction with both Annabeth and Amy trailing behind.

"Peter, thank the gods you're here, I thought I was a goner" Percy said through breaths as he hid behind me. All I did was glare in reply.

"What I ju-" he started.

"I know everything" interrupting him. All I got was him mouthing 'oh'.

Both the girls approached us.

"Hey Seaweed Brain" Annabeth jeered as she slowly moved closer, "Why not come from behind Peter, is this the example your showing your little brother?" She asked Percy, exaggerating the 'little brother' part. I let out a little laugh receiving a glared from Percy.

"Well Annabeth, if I did that'd be suicide" he responded.

"Yeah Jackson face us, you are the one who defeated the Minotaur at the age of twelve, right?" Amy asked.

"Y-yeah, I am why?" Percy wearily replied.

"Then face us, we won't hurt you too badly, unless you're chick-" Annabeth said.

"Correction pussy" Amy interrupted.

"Aim's!! Come on give him some slack". I asked.

"Slack?!?!!?! We're both drenching wet, we give no SLACK!!" They said in union.

"How about this" I offered, as I loosened Percy's grip causing him to fall on his butt.

"How about... we dry you both first" touching them simultaneously "and let him off ". The both opened their mouths to argue, "hey you didn't let me finish" raising a finger. "Come here" I brought both the girls closer and whispered my plan in their ears.

Once I was done explaining I turned to a suspicious looking Percy. "You're free to go" I told him.

"Really?" He said looking at all of us with the same look of suspicion.

"Yeah, we've forgiven you". Both Annabeth and Amy said in union again.

"Wait, someth-" before he could finish his sentence I ran to him to pick him up along with the girls and ran to the arena in which was unlocked. I placed all three of them down. "Hey" I heard Percy yelp, before he realised what I've done, I locked the doors from the inside, handing the key to Annabeth and fazed through the door to escape.

I zoomed back to Cabin 3, I quickly removed my t-shirt and jumped on to my bunk, realised how I exhausted I was. Wow that was tiring I thought to myself.

I let out a little chuckle as the scream that woke me up become audible, but this time there were multiple of them and of a higher pitch. Percy's been acting strange, well more stranger since he left the Hermes ca- my thoughts stopped. Stolls!! I thought they had something to do with this I thought yelled (Is that possible?).

"When I get my hands on those two" I mutter. Enough! I need my sleep, I didn't get any after our game of Truth or Dare. I fell asleep at 3:30am. I let out a yawn in which told me to sleep. I begin to close my eye.

The screams that were once definite began to quieten down as I close my eye to sleep remembering how this all started, how I got here. Next, everything was black

Was I bit too harsh on Percy? Maybe I was? Maybe I wasn't? What did the Stolls do? That's the real question. I know this isn't how Percy acts. Whoever guess correct will get a follow.

Annabeth: Follow
Percy: Comment
Amy: Vote
Peter: Vomment

P. S. This is my first fan-fic.

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