Chapter 2

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This chapter is kinda short, but it will get better, I promise!

When I gain conscious, the first thing I notice is how extremely cold it is. I open my eyes, stand up, and look around to see that I'm in an area with a lot of snow, and there's wind blowing all over the place. I brush the snow off me and wrap my arms around myself, trying to figure out where I am and where I should go.
After looking around, I notice a glowing red light in the distance. Curious, I walk towards it, and I step on something heavy. I look down to see something dark buried in the snow. I pick it up and brush the snow off it, and my eyes widen. It's a sai, one of my favorite ninja weapons. I look back down to see the other sai buried in the snow and pick that up as well. After brushing that off, I turn back to the red light and walk towards it again.
As I get closer and closer to the light, however, it suddenly moves. I stop in my tracks in shock, and suddenly, more red lights appear and move around. I become extremely nervous and prepare the sais as I slowly inch my way towards the lights.
When I get close enough to the lights, I gasp quietly as I see the figures that they belong to. Those glowing red lights belong to the Floows.
Now I have an idea where I am, and I get excited, but it slowly dissipates when they start moving again. Towards me.
I back up slowly and hold the sais in front of me to defend myself, but soon they're right in front of me, they're red eyes glaring into me. I shake in fear as I see them move back a little and prepare their attack.
But just as they let out their scream, I feel some type of force pull me away from the scene, and a few seconds later, I land in what appears to be some type of lab. I quickly get to my feet, blinking as I try to steady myself.
"Hey! Are you alright?"
I turn to the voice, and my eyes widen as I see a boy with short brown hair, a greek-looking outfit, and angel wings. Pit.
I give off a little smirk as I brush myself off. "Yeah...I'm fine."
He breathes a sigh of relief as he walks up to me. "Sorry about that. We were supposed to teleport you here, but the teleporter had some...technical difficulties." He turns and glares at someone, and I turn the same way to see R.O.B., who closes his eyes and sweatdrops.
I chuckle a little and say, "It's alright."
Pit smiles. "So, you must be Karly, right? I'm Pit." He holds out his hand.
"I know who you are. The others too," I reply as I take his hand and shake it.
He chuckles nervously. "Of course." He looks down at my hands, which still have the sais in them. "Oh, and I see you have your weapons!"
Shocked, I look down at them. "These...are mine?"
"Yep! Those will be your main ones when you fight."
My eyes widen, and the excitement comes back. "Wow..."
"Wow is right." Pit laughs. "Okay, follow me. Palutena wants to see you."
I nod my head and follow Pit out of the lab and outside, into the main square. I look around in astonishment. The fighters from Super Smash Bros are all outside, walking and running around as if they have somewhere to be. I can't help but smile as I see some of my favorite ones.
I notice how most of the fighters stop and stare at me in shock as I walk by them. Some of them even start whispering to others. I kinda get the idea why, and I become extremely shy and nervous as I stay close to Pit.
And then I see him. The Star Fox ace pilot. He and Fox are about to enter a big stadium, which I assume is the battle arena. Fox looks around at the other fighters, and then he spots me, his eyes widening as he taps Falco on the shoulder. When the falcon gets his attention, Fox points to me, and then we lock eyes. On instinct, I turn away, blushing a little. I can feel his eyes on me the whole time as Pit leads me closer to a huge building.
When we get to the building, Pit opens the door and gestures for me to go inside. "After you."
Before I enter, I turn to take one last look at Falco, who's still staring at me. I can see that Fox has went inside the arena already, but Falco is still at the entrance.
After a few seconds, he smirks at me and finally enters the arena.
He. Freaking. Smirked. At. Me.
Trying so hard not to squeal, I enter the building, Pit following after me with a devilish smirk.
"Wh-What?" I ask, blushing like crazy.
"Oh, nothing." He chuckles then walks upstairs.
I growl quietly and follow him up and down a hallway, and we finally stop at a big door. Pit knocks on it, and a voice asks, "Who is it?"
"It's Pit, your highness. Karly has arrived."
"Great. Let her in."
Pit turns to me and nods. I nod back, turn to the door, take a deep breath, and open it. Inside is a very spacious office, and sitting at the desk is none other than the mistress herself, Palutena. She looks up at me with a look of content.
"Sit down, Karly. We have been waiting for you."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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