Part Five

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"So to become a part of your 'group' I need to fake my death?" You asked feeling uncomfortable.

"Erm it's not just a group we have saved the world from mass distraction...twice," Tony said trying to defend his entire work.

"Well, what's in it for me?" You asked staring right at Tony.

"You get to become a top secrete agent working for the best earth defense in the world. Working with the top tech and some of the most badass superhero's you will ever meet. Not to mention that parties and the boos and well you get the idea ... a life of luxury kid, all you have to do is delete the file...doesn't that sound a lot better than a normal boring life?" Tony explained as he walked slowly towards you.

"It's a pretty good life kid," Bruce said from behind.

"Fine," you said as you uncrossed your arms and waked towards Tony's computer. You sat down and started taping away at the keyboard, unlocking the entire top secrete files, and searching for the one that says your name.

"Done," You said, "I'm now officially dead" you said leaning back on the chair and crossing your arms.

"Outstanding" Bruce said under his breath.

"Congratulations welcome to the Avengers Initiative as out official hacker," Tony said holding his hand out. Tony walked out to join the rest of the gang and you followed, as did Bruce.

Right when is Thor next down I have an announcement to make" Tony shouted. All of a sudden there was a massive gust of wind and a huge cylinder ball of light that projected onto the ground with a man like a figure inside of it.

"Did someone ask for me?" The blond-haired man said.

"Hey man," Steve said very casually. Were you the only one blown away by what just happened?

"Great now everyone is here I would like to introduce the newest member of the Avengers Y/N," Tony said pointing to you.

"Right and what exactly is her job? I mean no offense kid" Clint asked.

"Our official hacker," Tony said feeling proud of himself for discovering you.

"Hacker?" Clint repeated. "Well in that case welcome to the club," Clint said smiling.

"You're going to be great kid," Bruce said as he walked back into the lab with Tony.

"See me any time and we can work on some fighting skills...just in case," Natasha said as she winked at you.

"Wonderful to meet you Y/N," Thor said as he kissed your hand.

"Very nice to have you, onboard mam," Steve said patting you on the back. "And maybe sometime we could go for a drink or something? If you wanted?" Steve said not breaking eye contact with you. You blushed and looked at the floor smiling.

"I'd like that" You replied smiling.

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