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I sighed softly to myself  as I saw Dean Winchester's head sink slowly in front of me, disappearing behind the kids head that sat behind him. His desk was located three in front of mine and then one to the left. Most of the time I could see him just fine, but if he slouched as much as he was doing today all I could see was a few strands of his spiky blond hair peeking over another kids shoulder.

We've gone to the same school for as long as I can remember, and not once has Dean Winchester talked to me, waved, glanced at or even acknowledged my existence. He just never noticed me.But you can bet I noticed him.

Who doesn't? He wasn't the most popular kid in school, but he was well known. Some people thought of him as the bad boy of the school, others saw him as a "ladies man", and the rest had their own view of him. Everyone knew him somehow.

The teacher began his lecture and my pencil started scribbling notes across the paper. I was too lost in thought to be paying attention to what I was writing, but I knew it was exactly what Mr. Johnson was saying; it always was.

I didn't have any friends in this class-well, I didn't have many friends in general. I only have two, but they're the best friends I could ask for; Hannah and Luke. Hannah had darker, wavy hair that fell to just above her shoulders and her eyes matched my blue ones. She wasn't tall but she wasn't short either, she was in the middle, again, like me. Luke was taller than the both of us with really dirty blond hair and of course he also had blue eyes. Blue eyes were common but we always made jokes about how the three of us had matching blue eyes, though the other two always tried to tell me mine were the bluest. I would usually just laugh it off and the topic of conversation would change.

Occasionally it would only shift to how my soulmate would absolutely love my blue eyes. I honestly can't believe those two actually believe all this soul mate stuff going around the school. I don't really have anything against it, it makes for some pretty fun stories, and I don't stop them from talking about it, I just don't personally believe in it myself. Every once in a while Hannah would nudge me and comment about how 'maybe my soulmate is Dean'. I laugh every time.

I didn't realize the bell had rung until the classroom was almost empty. I sighed to myself and quickly packed my stuff back into my bag before swinging it over my shoulder and walking out the door; leaving the room completely empty; even the teacher left before I did.

Hannah would usually come and meet me outside the English classroom but I couldn't seem to find her, I figured maybe she got impatient when I didn't come out right away? But then she would have come into the classroom. I started to panic a little, worried that she had gotten into some sort of trouble.

Hannah, Luke and I aren't really considered "popular" or "cool" or anything, in fact, we're considered lame, losers, freaks even. We all get bullied a little-well, Hannah and I. People gave up on trying to bully Luke because, even though he's one of us, he's a well built guy and was never afraid to fight back.

I try not to let it bother me, sometimes it can get pretty awful, but Hannah gets it the worst. She's insecure, making her an easy target.

I started walking down the hallway, looking everywhere for her in my panic with no luck. That was until I turned a corner and saw her waiting by my locker, talking with Luke. My shoulders relaxed and I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding. When I got to my locker I was met with two smiles and returned it with one of my own.

"Hey guys."

"Heya, Cassie." Luke greeted me with his favorite nickname.

"Hi, Cas." Hannah said quietly with a small smile.

I took in Hannah's appearance and opened my mouth to ask if she was okay, but was soon interrupted by her apology.

"Sorry for not meeting you after class today...I meant to, but..." She was speaking quickly with a hint of panic in her voice, and kept trailing off.

"It's okay, I understand." I gave her a warm smile and she nodded, still unsure.

I glanced up at Luke in hopes of some sort of explanation but he wasn't paying attention. In fact he had started to walk away without a word. I tipped my head slightly to the side and felt my eyebrows furrow. 

Both Hannah and Luke were acting a little out of character, and I had no clue what was going on.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the late update and not-so-good-quality chapter. But hey, here it is and I hope you like it. I'll try and get a better system worked out for regular updates and a more efficient writing process. 

Love you all,

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