Chapter Eight: Flour Shower

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Sorry for the wait, you've probably heard this before, but my laptops fucked and my evil dad condemned me of my phone! 

Anyway, here you go! 



:Chapter Eight:

Flour Shower

As soon as the bell rang I was out of the class before you could even say 'wait'.

Which is what happened, Ball-boy called, "Wait!", after me.

But I didn't, because I'm a badass, ha ha, not really.

I power-walked to my locker and quickly turned the code; I stuffed my English textbook in and slammed the locker shut, only to come face-to-face with Amber.

I gave a yelp and stepped back, "Amber!" I reprimand.

She looked at me wide-eyed and innocent, innocent my ass! "What?"

I shoved her, "You scared me!"

"Soz," she said off-handedly.

"Soz," I immitated in a voice that sounded nothing like hers, rolling my eyes.

She grinned, "Why did you run out of class so fast?" She asked, all curious like.

"I just wanted to get to Home-Ec, you know, my second fave period," I lied smoothly.

Well, half-lied, Home-Ec is my second favorite class.

"Well, you couldv'e waited for me! I'm in that class too, you know?" She reminded me.

I grinned sheepishly, "Sorry,"

"Sorry," she mocked, like I did her.

I laughed, "Come on, we got us some food to cook!" I exclaimed, rubbing my hands together.


"No! You did it all wrong! Look what you did!" I shouted at Amber.

"It's not my fault! It just wouldn't roll into a circle!" She shouted right back.

I could hear Faith laughing extremely loud beside us.

"What? So you decided to put flour all over it and spin it on your crusty nail!?" I exclaimed.

"Hey! No need to bring my poorly formed finger nails into this!" She exclaimed too, "And besides, I thought it would work!"

"Oh yes! Because you're a professional! 'Ooh, look at me, I can spin dough on my finger and make flour fly all over Jennifer!'" I shouted.

Just that moment the door opened behind me and I froze when I heard, "What is going on here!?"

Oh shit.

Faith abruptly stopped laughing and I slowly turned my flour covered self arond to face our teacher.

Ms. Robin.

And behind her a new student.

Not any new student, oh no.


Double shit.

If my face wasn't covered in stupid white powder everybody wouldv'e seen my bright red skin, because I'm quite sure that my stupid blood immediatley rushed to my stupid cheeks.

He looked like he needed to fart, holding his laugh in; I narrowed my eyes.

"I repeat, what is going on here?" Robin shouted again.

Faith jumped in to save us, because everybody loved Faith and everything she said, even a lie, was taken as word. Which was such a cool quality to have.

People have way too much respect for her to disagree.

Mine and Amber's eyes were wide and scared as Faith started to explain, "Sorry, Miss, it's my fault, I put my bowl of flour over Jennifer's and Amber's work space and it fell all over Jen," she sounded apologetic as she lied so smoothly.

I looked at her in awe, how she came up with that in less than 10 seconds is beyond me.

Ms. Robin looked at me and then at a bowl that was conviniently beside my feet, "Oh, well, if it was an accident, then it's fine, but next time, Faith, put the flour on your work space," she reprimanded lightly and turned away to talk to Boy.

Bitch, can't she help me get cleaned up?

And I seriously need to learn Boy's name!

Amber stared at Faith and and said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you! If I said that I wouldv'e been in detention by now!"

"Amber, you bitch," I growled, "You better watch out, I'm so gonna get you back!" I promised.

She turned to look at me wide-eyed, she new I wasn't lying.

Faith started laughing again and I turned to her, "Why didn't you let her get in trouble?" I asked, now patting away the flour.

She just continued to laugh.

"Yeah, why didn't you let me get in trouble?" Amber whined, "Now Jen's gonna get revenge and if I'd've gotten detention she wouldv'e let it go!"

This got even me to laugh, "That is true,"

I heard a laugh behind him and immediatly stopped, "Revenge, huh, Girly?"

Girly? He was calling me Girly?

"Yes, Boy-y," I said, calmly.

Boy-y!? What the fuck, Jennifer!? That is the stupidest thing ever! Is that the best you can come up with!?

I heard a snort if laughter, "Boy-y?"

I turned around and crossed my arms over my flour covered apron, "Yes, you called me 'Girly' I called you Boy-y!" I retorted defiantly then paused, thinking, "Maybe, Guy-y!"

Jen! Just shut up! You're making it worse!

He laughed even harder, eyes actually springing tears, it's not that funny!

"Guy-y!" He choked out through his laughter, wiping a tear away.

I should come up with a better one; let's see, well, he has blond-ish hair: it's hardly blond, but whatever, I could call him 'Blondie'? No, too un-original.

He's hot, but I couldn't call him that! No way, too flattering.

He has green eyes, like grass, but you can't call someone 'Grass', could you?

What about a plant thats green? Yeah!

Um, cabbage? Egh, what the fuck?

Lettuce? Nope.

Um... Clover! That's a good-ish one, albeit girly. He's not exactly lucky, but, I can't be assed to think about any more green plants.

"Stop laughing, Clover!" I snap loudly.

And he does, staring at me, confused by the nickname.

Ha-ha! You'll have to think about that one won't you?

I smirk and turn away to my station, continuing to get the wretched flour off me.


Well, there you go! A new chapter after a long while!

Hope you liked it!

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