The Heist

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The night was still, the air heavy with anticipation as Zane and his team gathered behind Goldman's Jewels. The back alley was dimly lit, with only a single flickering streetlight casting shadows on the group. Zane checked his watch—10:29 PM. Right on time.

Fatir was crouched near the service entrance, his laptop open and connected to the store's security system. Mia kept watch at the alley's entrance, her sharp eyes scanning the street for any signs of trouble. Cane and Lisa were beside Zane, each of them equipped with the tools they needed to break into the store.

"Alright, Fatir,"  Zane whispered, "start the signal jammer."

Fatir nodded, flipping a switch on the small device. A soft hum filled the air, signaling the jammer was active. "We've got about ten minutes before the store's system picks up on the interference," Fatir said, his fingers flying over the keyboard. "I'm looping the security feed now. We'll have a clear window for fifteen minutes."

"Perfect," Zane replied, his voice calm but laced with excitement. "Let's move."

Cane pulled out the codebreaker, attaching it to the keypad on the service entrance. The device beeped softly as it worked through combinations. Within moments, there was a faint click, and the door creaked open.

"Nice work," Zane said, leading the way into the narrow maintenance hallway. The group moved swiftly and silently, each step calculated to avoid making any noise.

The hallway was just as Zane had described it—a tight, winding path that led to the main storage area. The walls were lined with pipes and wires, and the air was thick with the smell of dust and old metal. As they reached the end of the hallway, Zane held up a hand, signaling the group to stop.

"Fatir, disable the alarm on the door," Zane whispered.

Fatir nodded, his eyes fixed on the small control panel next to the door. With a few keystrokes, he bypassed the alarm, and the door unlocked with a soft click.

They entered the main storage room, the heart of the store's operations. It was a small, windowless space lined with shelves holding various items, but the real prize was the large safe against the far wall.

Zane approached the safe, pulling out the frequency disruptor. "Cane, keep an eye on the door. Lisa, help me with this."

Lisa stepped forward, holding a small light to the safe's lock as Zane activated the disruptor. The device hummed softly, sending pulses of energy into the lock's electronic components. After a few tense seconds, there was a loud click, and the safe door swung open.

"Bingo," Zane muttered, revealing rows of velvet-lined shelves filled with glittering jewels and stacks of cash. "Let's grab what we came for."

As they started loading the loot into their bags, Mia's voice crackled through their earpieces. "We've got a problem. I just saw a patrol car pull up to the front of the store."

Zane's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't let the panic show. "Stay calm. We stick to the plan."

"Are they just doing rounds?" Cane asked, his voice low and tense.

"I don't think so," Mia replied. "They're getting out of the car. I think someone might have tipped them off."

"Damn it," Zane cursed under his breath. "Alright, change of plans. We're moving faster. Fatir, can you speed up the loop on the security feed?"

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