Chapter 26- Punishment and Pleasure

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I awaken in a period room of wine, cream, and gold. The dark cherry canopy bed cradles me softly in it's folds as I roll over. Staring out into the night, I wonder what kind of screwed up world I'd been dragged into as I had done for most of my life, especially since I'd been hurled into vampire society. Don't get me wrong, my life was certainly not peaches and cream but vampires were just down right sadistic sometimes.

I lay there for some time before deciding to get up and explore the grounds of the plantation. Trudging to the bathroom, which is fully stocked, I do my best to wash the taste of vomit out of my mouth. Thankful, that someone had showered me, Vic no doubt, I grab some clothes from a chest of drawers that had been stocked during my sleep by my clothing fairy. Since, I knew it was rather warm out I opt for a culotte jumpsuit and sandals, sweep my hair into a ponytail and set off on an adventure that would no doubt lead to trouble. Exiting the bed and breakfast I pass through the breezeway nodding a greeting to the little girl dressed in period clothing toward the general store. Shouldn't that kid be asleep by now?

Closed in the night hours, I wander over the grounds toward the little pond only to get distracted by the little cottages toward the back of the property. It was so hard to imagine that this was a bustling plantation that had run on the blood and sweat of slaves so long ago.

The little bridge leading to the gazebo out over the pond beckons to me, but I continue onward toward the cottages. There is little light out save for the few lights that litter the dirt path toward the cottages but I wasn't exactly afraid of the dark anymore. Rounding a small bend in the path I come face to face with the little girl again. "Shouldn't you be in bed?" I question with a raised eyebrow.

She curtsies then points toward the cottages in response. Maybe she was nonverbal or something. Following her gaze toward the cottages, I spy with my little eye, a fire that burns behind them. What? Was I supposed to be Bayou Betty of the St. Francisville fire brigade now? Looking back to ask exactly that, I find the little girl gone. Man, that kid was quick.

A wave of poorly contained anger barrels it's way from behind one of the cottages and I sigh because I know who it's coming from. Just follow the yellow brick road to the permanently angry vampire Laila. I hear Judas' voice, low and deathly calm, upon my approach and knowing what I did, it was not a good sign. The light of torches or a fire of some kind illuminates the sides of the little cottages making the trees cast eerie shadows that dance along the ground in the light breeze. I wonder if they knew electricity had been invented and there were these neat little things called flood lights

Sliding silently along the wall of one of the cottages I try not to breathe as I peep around the corner. Vic stands out in the middle of the semi circle with a bowed head and robe. Judas stands before her with his hands laced behind his back and I pull back hoping he hadn't seen me. Behind her a fire burns with several iron rods jutting out from it's flaming bowels.

"You know my rules Victoria, I asked you to do one simple thing and you failed. Although, I deem your infraction worthy of a fitting punishment circumstances do not permit it."

"I understand." Vic says softly

"I don't recall asking you to speak." Judas snarls walking to the fire.

Riffling through the rods he pulls out a brand, inspects it then moves on to another brand before placing it back in the fire. He pulls out a sword and then a baton looking thing before finally pulling out the last rod. Wait not a rod but an iron whip! My heart leaps into my throat and threatens to jump out of my mouth and strike out like a bandit because my QT with the flaming whip pummels my mind. I mean come on! It was an iron freaking whip, which had to be worse that a flaming whip right?

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