Chapter 45- When One Becomes Two

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"It can be daunting." Comes Aleksandar's voice from the kitchen. Aleksandar saunters into the living room stopping at the end of the couch to my left crossing his hands in front of him. He looks down at me and then offers a pointed stare toward the trio that had oversaw my travel. "You only had 10 seconds and two of those you wasted with your informative announcement." He tells Dallas who offers no reaction. "However, my wait was not long so I see no need to prolong our conversation. Get out."

That was a conversation? I thought it took at least two people or either one bat shit crazy person to have a conversation. Neither Ms. Nell, Dallas, or Xiou Li make any kind of move to exit the apartment stirring a deep rumble of irritation from Aleksandar.

"Move." He hisses in the most animalistic snarl I'd heard as the door opens with a bang. He didn't offer any other display of power so that he wouldn't notify the others and that was a clear sign that he was here of his own accord and that he didn't want the others to know.

Ms. Nell casts me a worried look then beckons to the others to follow her. The door closes quietly behind them from his power which was way more unnerving that when it had flown open. With a deep breath I turn to Aleksandar not sure what to expect. He doesn't fly into a lecture or speak, he simply stares down at me with a pensive expression watching the chill slide over me.

"Can we not play the staring game?"

Aleksandar chuckles lightly perching himself comfortably on the couch's arm. "I didn't realize the danger you were in."

"You guy are seriously bipolar, but I'll take the bait. What do you mean?"

"The rumors about you were true."

"Rumors of me swirl like smoke in the wind. Can you be more specific?"

He nails me with a knowing look that said that I knew exactly which rumor he was referring to. "Mariska was fast." He replies totally disregarding my question to look out of the window.

"You saved me didn't you?" He continues staring out of the window at the snow-covered garden. "Why?"

"That is my secret to keep."

"Laila no likey secrets."

Aleksandar chuckles again glancing back to me with softened eyes. "You'll never be tamed Laila."

"Dude you're making me feel like the dog from "UP," can we please stick to a subject?" I snap fighting another shiver.

"We didn't foresee Mariska's plan but it is clear to us now."

"The record must be skipping because my question is the same as before. What do you mean?"

"Contrary to what she may have told you, it was never her intention to kill you."

"You're joking right? Aleksandar, she left me in the snow to die!"

"I'm glad your apartment is spellbound and soundproof." He says with a patient sigh.


"Your ability to block compulsion of any kind is unmatched. When you are conscious the walls of your mind can't be penetrated. However, as you are untrained, when your body is severely damaged your mind becomes an open book free for all who read if they dare to intrude. On the flip side of that you also have a side of you that is adept at keeping itself hidden even in times of distress. It takes a being with extreme power and hypersensitive abilities to sense it, however, although they sense it they are never able to find it."

I sit back on the couch swimming through what Aleksandar had just told me trying to make sense of it and let me tell you I could barely manage a doggy paddle through this mess. So, my mind, my memories, were free for the taking to anyone who dared enter my mind when I was hurt. Aleksandar had mentioned a powerful person with hypersensitive abilities was needed to sense what I could only assume was my guardian. That made sense because Eli was powerful and definitely knew that I was a guardian. I think back to my conversations with the twins.

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