Chapter 13

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Letting herself become alert to the sound infront of her shut eyes, she rumbled awake, blinking slowly at first to adjust to the soft light she left on in the kitchen. Across from her face was a familiar one and seemingly a much better feeling patient.

"Are you okay? Aren't you tired?" She asked the girl kneeling beside her, Applejack moving her arms to push her upper body into a more elevated position that was better for conversing.

"Well I was kind of uncomfortable sleeping in these," she replied while indicating to her tight clothes, "And I kind of forgot where I was, freaked out for a second, and then realised it's your place. I was tired before but I guess I'm rested now," Dash added as she let a hand wander through her hair, her body shrinking down for a second when her fingertips came in contact with the stitched cut along her hairline, letting out a hiss.

"Careful!" AJ instinctively reminded her, reaching out her own hand to pull the girl's arm down and away from her healing marks, "I just cleaned and stitched your injuries already, just let them rest and try not to touch okay?"

Dash held her gaze as she let herself be pulled away, leaving her wounds to be while considering expressing her gratitude. "I just...thank you. For taking care of me."

Applejack sighed and leaned up straighter and let her legs swing around the edge of the couch into a seated position before patting the space next to her so the girl didn't have to remain on the floor. Rainbow looked down at the free space and shuffled to fill it, bending her left leg under her while letting her right dangle as she slanted her body to face the other, trying to hide how much slight movements hurt and fight the restrictiveness of the tightly wound gauze that limited many positions to try relax in.

"I'll always look out for you," AJ spoke once they were side to side, passing half of her blanket over the other in a nurturing way. "And fuck...I'm so sorry. I was so worried. One of our analysts only told me what Rarity was planning two hours after she'd left to find you. I spent all night searching for you guys. I swear I'll get her fired, she's not allowed to do shit like this, she swore against it when she became a detective," Applejack continued to respond with a grim expression, her annoyance for the attacker obvious.

"I'm fine Apples," Rainbow mentioned as she accepted the warm layer and pulled it over her legs.

"But even after what happened the last time we were together, like shit you've had a really tough week and I didn't make it any easier. I really mean it Dash I'm so sorry..."

"Applejack, it's fine. Really. I mean I bled out over your couch and you still sewed me up and let me invade your home. I think we're even. Let's just...not talk about it anymore. It sucks to reflect on anyway," RD passed over the topic, her eye line lowered as her fingers made themselves busy by fidgeting with the edge of the blanket, pulling at a stray thread in distraction.

Applejack nodded, she couldn't begin to imagine how hard it would've been to reflect on and at this point she wanted to do anything that would make Dash more comfortable in her current state. Instead of pushing the conversation further, she brought up something to take both of their minds off all the tragic events being revealed and witnessed recently, inviting something that could neutralise the night and maybe make it seem like another normal day when Rainbow would drop by for food.

"Are you hungry? I can make us something."

Rainbow looked up at her, considering it, "I can help."

"No you can't. You're going to sit here while I make us something to eat okay?" AJ commanded as she stood and gave the entirety of the blanket to the person in healing.

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