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I hope you all liked the 1st part. Thank you for the lovely comments🫰. I will try my best to write even more beautifully. For now, please read this and share your reviews in the comments. Also, please vote. Take care.



Hold on, miss Karishmaa. Help is on the way.

As she speeds through traffic, the urgency of the moment hangs heavy in the air

A Hospital Emergency Room

The hospital is bustling with activity. HM rushes in with Ks, who is injured.

HM:(anxiously) Doctor, please help! She’s hurt!

Dr:  (calmly) Please wait outside for a moment.

HM:Yes, Doctor.

Dr. motions for the nurses to take karishma to the observation room. As HM steps outside, SS approaches.

SS:(saluting) Jai Hind, Madam Sir! Where is Karishma Madam?

HM:Oh, she's inside checking room.
How u know me?

SS: Oh, I see. I m  head counstable and syber expert Santosh Sharma from mahila Thana .

HM:Ohh , well Karishma has so much courage. She's like an officer in a girl’s body!

SS:(smiling) Well, she is, actually. She’s a Sub-Inspector, my senior, and your junior.

HM's expression changes to admiration, realizing the strength of their community.

HM: I’m amazed by her. It’s clear that the people from Thane are so talented!

Just then, Dr. emerges from the observation room.

SS: ( surprise) Cheeta, you're here!

CC: (looking surprised) Yes, I just joined today,Can't ks Takecare herself?

HM: (interrupting) Excuse me, how is she?

CC: (apologetically) Oh! Sorry, who are you?

SS: (introducing) This is Haseena Malik, our SHO.

CC:(relieved) Oh, she will be fine. She just fainted due to the blast. She has a few injuries, but she’ll be okay.

SS:(concerned) Are you sure?

CC: Yes, I care about her.

HM looks surprised but understanding.

HM: Oh, I see. Anyway, I should head out now. I’ll meet you at the station tomorrow. Please tell her to take care of herself.

SS: Thank you, Madam Sir.

HM:It’s our duty. After all, the station is like a family.

SS: Yes, indeed.

HM nods and starts to leave. SS and CC exchange glances, appreciating the camaraderie.

SS:Jai Hind, Madam Sir!

HM: Jai Hind!

The scene fades as HM exits the hospital, leaving SS and CC to care for karishma

After sometime

The hospital room is quiet. KS is slowly regaining consciousness, and SS is anxiously waiting for her to wake up.

KS:(groaning) Ahhh...

SS:(gently) Take it easy. (helps KS sit up) Here, drink some water.

SS hands KS a glass of water and helps her sip it.

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