Chapter Six

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Jacey heaved a sigh as she walked back towards the farm with Miller. Their run had went a little longer than planned and it was now after dark. "I wish you'd forgive me for getting pregnant," she spoke breaking the silence that had been between them. Silence that seemed to have come and gone a lot in the last seven days.

"I..I have forgiven you," Miller told her as he finally turned to look at her. "That's not why I have been avoiding you lately."

"Then why have you?" Jacey asked as she raised an eyebrow, curious on why he had been avoiding her and not wanting to even talk to her.

Miller looked down, feeling his cheeks heat up, "Because I know I was an ass in how I reacted and I'm sorry. God I'm so sorry Jace but I was scared. I never wanted kids to begin with but now finding out you're pregnant with the dead walking around. I was scared and I'm sorry."

Smiling as Miller apologized, Jacey moved towards him and pulled him in a hug. A hug that was soon interrupted by the familiar moans of the dead approaching them. Pulling away from him as she fast as she could, she raised her gun as she turned to face the approaching walker but soon found there was more than just one. There was a lot of them.

"They're coming from the Greene Farm," Miller muttered knowing from the direction they had been there. "W..we have to go back and alert the others, now," he said as he too reached for his gun and got a few shots in before turning on his heels and running off.

Jacey too got a few shots in on a couple of walkers before following after her boyfriend, knowing they had to hurry and try to stay ahead of the walkers. They had to warn their group before something bad happened and they lost most of their little group.

"I'm out of ammo," Miller said as he came to a stop behind a tree. He and Jacey had for now got ahead of most of the walkers but they were both tired and he was now out of ammo for his gun.

Jacey who had finished checking her ammo looked up at him, "I have five bullets left," she frowned. "There is more ammo at your house. We can recharge before we have to leave."

Miller shook his head, "Both of us won't make it back on just five bullets," he told her. "They are gonna catch up to us and either take one or both down."

"Then what do we do?" Jacey asked him as they locked eyes. "I don't feel like dying today."

Giving Jacey a sad smile, Miller walked over to her, "I love you Jacey. I love you so much and I love our baby regardless of how I reacted. Always know that," he muttered before kissing her briefly and then walking away, into the direction that they came.

Jacey just stood there, watching Miller, "Miller!" she called out hoping he'd come back before it was too late. "Damn it Miller I need you!"

Ignoring Jacey's words, Miller just kept walking, hoping maybe if he let the walkers take him down that some of them would be too interested in him to go to the farm and it would save time or lessen the number of walkers. He had to save Jacey and his baby and this was the only thing he knew to do.

"Will you please talk to me?" Harry asked as he raised an eyebrow and looked over at Louis. It had been a week since he had told Louis that he wasn't sure how he felt and ever since then Louis had been giving him the cold shoulder, even going as far as to flirting with Luna to get under Harry's skin and it really did sure as hell get under Harry's skin.

Louis looked over at Harry, "We're on watch while Jacey and Miller are out on a run. I think we should just do our job and not talk," he replied his tone coming off harsh and cold. Maybe much colder than he intended for it to be.

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