Lady Sera

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Lady Sera Margery had spent the morning immersed in the serenity of her new role as the Saintess. The castle was alive with its usual bustle, yet the day had brought an unusual calm, allowing her a rare moment of peace. With her flowing blonde hair and green eyes that sparkled with an almost ethereal quality, she had become the embodiment of grace and purity. Her angelic appearance had endeared her to many, and she had adapted to her elevated status, finding solace in the rituals and prayers that anchored her.

As the afternoon wore on, an unsettling feeling began to intrude upon her tranquility. It was a vague but persistent disquiet, an emotional unease that gnawed at her thoughts. Prince Arthis, a central figure in her life and heart, had not been present for their scheduled meeting. His absence was unusual and deeply troubling.

Driven by a growing sense of worry, Sera sought out Eliza, her faithful handmaiden. She found Eliza in a quiet corner of the castle, tending to linens. The young woman's usual composure seemed to falter as Sera approached.

"Eliza, have you seen Prince Arthis today?" Sera asked, her voice soft but edged with concern.

Eliza's hands paused in their task, and she met Sera's gaze with an unreadable expression. "I haven't, my lady. But I did overhear something that might explain his absence."

Sera's heart quickened. "What did you overhear?"

Eliza lowered her voice. "Some servants were talking about it. They mentioned that Prince Arthis left the castle at dawn. He has gone to search for Lady Amelia."

The news hit Sera like a bolt. Arthis had departed without a word, heading towards Amelia, the woman who had once tried to take her life. Despite the animosity between them, Sera felt a profound sense of responsibility.

"Why would he leave without telling me?" Sera asked, her voice trembling. "He should have at least informed me of his departure."

Eliza's gaze softened. "I'm afraid I don't know the full details, my lady. But from what I overheard, it seems the prince was deeply troubled. Lady Amelia's disappearance has stirred many concerns, and Arthis may have felt compelled to act swiftly."

Sera nodded slowly, the weight of the revelation sinking in. "I understand his concern, but this is so sudden. I can't help but feel..."

Eliza's brow furrowed with sympathy. "Feel what, my lady?"

Sera looked down at her delicate hands, clasped tightly in her lap. "I can't help but feel that my presence—my becoming the Saintess—may have played a part in this. Amelia's anger, her desperation... It all seems to be connected to my new role."

Eliza stepped closer, placing a reassuring hand on Sera's shoulder. "It's natural to feel such burdens, but remember, you did not intend for any harm to come to Lady Amelia. You were chosen for this role for your virtues, and your ascent was not the cause of her actions."

Sera sighed, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Even so, I can't shake the feeling that I'm responsible. Amelia's actions, her banishment... It all happened because of the changes in our lives. I keep wondering if there was something I could have done differently."

Eliza's expression grew serious. "You mustn't blame yourself, my lady. The prince's decision was made to protect the kingdom, and while it's unfortunate that Amelia ended up in such a dire situation, it was not your fault. Sometimes, circumstances are beyond our control."

Sera absorbed Eliza's words, but the sense of responsibility remained heavy on her shoulders. "Thank you, Eliza. I appreciate your support. I just hope Arthis finds her safely. And if he does, I hope... I hope we can find a way to mend what has been broken."

Eliza nodded. "I'm sure the prince will do everything in his power to bring Lady Amelia back. And when he returns, you can work together to address these issues. For now, focus on maintaining your strength and grace. The kingdom looks to you for guidance."

Sera took a deep breath, trying to steady her emotions. She made her way to the castle gardens, seeking solace in the serene surroundings. The afternoon sun cast a warm glow over the grounds, but the beauty did little to calm her troubled thoughts. Finding a secluded bench, she sat down, her golden hair falling around her like a halo, and her green eyes reflecting her inner turmoil.

As she sat in contemplation, the weight of her situation became increasingly clear. Despite Amelia's past hostility, Sera could not escape the feeling that she bore some measure of responsibility for Amelia's current plight. Her rise to prominence had inadvertently contributed to the circumstances leading to Amelia's banishment.

Sera closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to calm her racing thoughts. Her angelic visage, framed by her golden hair and serene green eyes, did little to ease the turmoil within. She prayed for Arthis's safety and for Amelia's well-being. She hoped for a swift resolution to the situation and for Arthis to return with good news. More than that, she sought inner peace and a way to reconcile her role in the unfolding events.

The day continued to unfold, and Sera knew she had to maintain her composure. The kingdom depended on her strength, and despite the emotional storm within her, she had to remain steadfast. She held onto hope that Arthis would return soon and that together they could face the challenges ahead. For now, she had to trust in his judgment and focus on her duties, even as the burden of responsibility weighed heavily upon her.

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