Let's go

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5 days later

It's been almost a week since me and Leo have been on tour with Of mice & men, and it had been great.

The guys were extremely helpful and nice, and they are very happy that we are with them on tour.

Me and Austin still hadn't talked about the kiss, but once I get him alone I am going to talk to him.

It's friday,and that means I have to take Leo to Vic, and I was still feeling uneasy about it, Vic had only been alone with Leo a few times, and I was terrified of leaving him with the baby.

And I didn't want Dana to be around Leo. But I had to let Vic see his son.

"Hey I'm gonna go drop off leo at Vic's" I said holding Leo in one arm and his diaper bag in the other

"Awe we are going to miss the little guy!" Aaron said smiling

The guys said their goodbye to Leo, and then I was off.

I walked over to Pierce the veils bus and lightly tapped on the door.

"Hey!" Tony said when he opened the door

"Hi turtle, is Vic here?" I said stepping into the bus

"Yeah, he's in the back" he said sitting on the couch

I carried Leo to the back and knocked in the door

"Come in" I heard Vic say

I opened the door, he was sitting on the couch, playing super smash bros

"Hey" I said sitting next to him

"Whats up?" He said pausing the game

"Just dropping your son off for the week" I said

"The week? I thought I only had him on the weekend" he said

"No the week, that was the deal" I said

"Okay whatever, how are you liking it over there?" He said

"Its great, Leo really likes everyone" I said

"You should come back" he said

"What?" I said

"You should come back, I miss you" he said

"Don't start this Vic, I've moved on, you fucked up" I said

"So you just move on so quickly!" He yelled

"You moved on while we we're in a relationship! I'm not dealing with this, I'll be back next weekend to Pick him up" I said standing up and storming out

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