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Ree's pov

I walked Austin to the stage, he kissed my cheek and walked up the steps. I waited until he was out of my sight and I walked away toward Pierce the veils bus, I needed to get Leo, now.

*knock knock*

"Come in" I heard Vic say

"Hey" I said as I walked in, Vic was sitting on the couch, Leo passed out in the car seat next to him

"What are you doing here?" He said

"I've come to get Leo early" I said 

"What? Why?" He said sitting up

"My mom is coming to visit and she wants to see him" I said

"Alright fine" he said

"Really? No arguing?" I said half smiling

"No, I'm done arguing with you" he said

"Okay, I'll call you when I'm going to bring him back, okay?" I said

"Alright, I'll see you later" he said and kissed Leo goodbye

I picked up the car seat and walked out of the bus.

It was all easy....too easy.

I carried Leo back to Om&m's bus and sat him down on the couch, he was knocked out. 

I sat on the couch, I knew the guys would be back soon, and Austin would be wondering why I didn't stick around to see the show, but I needed to get Leo as soon as possible before Vic somehow caught on to something.

"Where are you?"- Austin

"I'm in the bus"-Ree

I sent the text and then put my phone down on the couch, I carried the carseat to the back and took Leo out, laying him in his bassinet, as I rocked him, I heard the bus door open, and all the guys voices. 

I left Leo in the back and walked to the front.

"Hey ree" Alan said

"Hey Alan, and everyone else, how did the show go?" I said sitting on the couch

Austin wasn't nowhere to be seen   ,must of had to deal with something.

"It was great, like usual" tino said

"That's good, Leo is here, but he's sleeping in the back, just letting you guys know, where's Austin?" I said

"He said he had to do something and he meet us at the bus" Phil said

"Alright, well I guess we just wait for him, any plans for tonight?" I said

"I think we are going out, but since you can't go with us, Austin will probably stay in with you" Alan said

"So what is the deal between you two?" Aaron said smiling

"What do you mean?" I said

"Don't play dumb! We see how you guys look at each other and Austin can't stop talking about you!" Aaron said throwing a pillow at me, causing all the guys to laugh.

"Well if Austin didn't tell you guys anything, then I'm not telling you anything" I said throwing the pillow back at him

"No fun!" Aaron said catching the pillow

The door swung open, and Austin came barging in as we all burst into laughter. 

"What is going on in here?" Austin said looking very confused

"We we're just trying to get some information out of your lover here" Alan said laughing

"Well if I know her well enough, I bet she didn't tell you guys shit!" Austin said laughing plopping down next to me

"You're right, she didn't tell us anything, you guys need to just come out and admit it already!" Tino said

"Maybe we like keeping secrets" I said smiling

"Secrets don't make friends!" Phil said standing up

"We have to get going, you two don't get too crazy while we are gone" Aaron said getting up

"I think the craziest we can get is binge watching Disney movies" Austin said laughing

All the guys left the bus and left me and Austin in the quiet bus.

"Where did you disappear to earlier?" Austin said putting his arm around me, pulling me close

"I went and got Leo from Vic's" I said

" did that go?" He said

"Extremely well.....too well....he was really nice and just let me take Leo, it was actually kind of scary" I said

"He's up to something.....but no matter what, we have to prove that we are stronger than him, and nothing he does is going to make you do back to him, right?" He said

"Right....I just don't know why he is doing this.... he's the one who screwed up...." I said

"That's why he's doing it, cause he screwed up and lost you....." he said

"I should probably go check on Leo" I said

"Okay, let's go" he said smiling

We got up and walked to the back of the bus, opening the door, Leo was wide awake in his bassinet.

"Hey baby boy" I said looking down on him

He started smiling as he sucked on his hand.

"He's so cute, good thing he got his looks from his mama" Austin said wrapping his arms around my waist

"You really think he looks like me?" I said

"Yeah, I do, why?" He said

"Because everyone says he looks like Vic" I said

"I mean you can see Vic in him, but I can see a lot of you in him" he said resting his head on top of mine, reminding me how short I really was

"So.... we can't keep beating around the bush with everyone" I said pulling away from Austin and sitting on the couch

"What do you mean?" He said sitting next to me

"You know what I mean..." I said

"I thought we were going to keep it a secret, especially now that Vic is snooping around" he said

"We can at least tell the guys, they won't tell anyone, they already kind of know" I said

"Well, will you be my girlfriend?" He said smiling

"Yes I will" I said smiling back

"Yay!" He yelled

"You're a dork"  I said laughing

"But I'm your dork now! And you're stuck with the me!" He said laughing

I felt like everything was just right with Austin, I knew it was moving fast, but I'd never felt so comfortable with someone before. I hoped this was going to last.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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