Chapter 1: Unfamiliar Faces? A Whole New World!

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In the middle of a bustling city was a young-looking boy with oddly spiky black hair walking around. He wore a simple red hoodie and some blue jeans. His pale face showed how bored he was as he walked down the busy streets.

His name was Kai Atsura.

People knew him as a fairly social and friendly person, and if his friends had to describe him, it would be as a 'lovable' idiot. Someone who people got along with, but a moron nonetheless. By no means was he actually dumb, he just lacked the common sense most people had, which had cost him socially.

Within the 17 years of Kai's life, he hadn't had his first kiss let alone a girlfriend, but he didn't really care that much about it. He just chalked it up to his horrible luck, which he claimed was a "family curse".

Unfortunately, a mere two months ago, that family curse kicked into high gear, and his younger sister Naomi completely vanished off the face of the planet.

"Hah... What time is it?" Kai let out a sigh as he pulled out his phone to see that it was around 6 p.m. His parents would start to worry if he didn't get home soon. Looking under the time he saw a text from his friend.

'Yo Mr. No Luck, you wanna go hang out for a bit?'

It was almost as if a visible tick mark appeared on Kai's forehead. He really hated that nickname. "God, I need to get new friends..." He didn't really mean it.

Kai quickly responded with something along the lines of, "Not today."

Despite turning 17 a few days ago, Kai hadn't felt much joy... without his sister, it just felt... weird.

Looking up from his phone he saw something odd. It was a green mirror in the middle of the street. And it was somehow standing straight up.

Kai looked around and saw that no one else seemed to notice the oddity in the street.

"Hm... I must be tired or something." Kai shook his head as if trying to wake himself up. If it was real, then with his luck it would lead to nothing but trouble.

As he walked away, he blinked a couple of times and looked back at it and it was gone.

Guess I really was tir-

Kai's thoughts were interrupted as he looked in front of him and brought his legs to a stop. Right in front of his face was that mirror from before.

"Woah! Almost fell face first into-"

Of course, he had to run his big mouth, and not pay attention to anyone around him. Unfortunately for the young boy, a random passerby ran into him and pushed him straight through the mirror. Before the passerby could apologize, Kai was gone.

Somewhere much, MUCH farther away than where Kai was a moment ago...

A large field sat in front of a castle-like structure with a group of robed students gathered around a similarly dressed robed man seemingly in his 40s. There was an excitement in the air as the robed students talked about how their summonings would go, or what kind of familiar they would get.

The older gentleman let out a cough to get the students' attention as he grandiosely raised his cane.

"Today is the day of your summoning. This also marks the first exam of your second year, as well as the sacred day where you first encounter your familiar, who you will spend the rest of your life with as if you were family."

Within the crowd of excited students, there was noticeably a short girl, with long pink hair, clutching what seemed to be a wand with a worried expression.

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