Story Fourteen|Airport Emergency

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"Lakewood Airlines 241 is now boarding. Passengers for Lakewood Airlines 241 to Chicago, the flight is now boarding at Gate 3C."

The intercom clicks off and I spot a few people in the lines for security groaning. The general bustle of the airport terminal increases a little as people rush to their flights. Thinking about the recent terrorist incident in France, my hand wrapped around the grip of the gun tightens a bit more. My eyes scan the room, like a hawk searching for it's prey.

"Why are you so tense Keaton?" Alex, my partner, asks, nudging me.

"You never know what'll happen man," I answer, not sparing him a look. "Unpredictable."

"Come on man, loosen up. We're a regional airport for fucks sake," Alex tries reasoning with me. "They're noting going to attack Lakewood. Nothing here."

I sigh. "I-I guess."

Forcing myself to relax, I lean against the wall behind me, pressing the Kevlar body armor further into my back. My eyes lock onto three men dressed in all black with a black  hoodies, hoods pulled over their heads, standing rather close to a group of fifteen or so. I nudge Alex. "Hey, you see those three guys over there, five seats over?"

"Where?" He looks around casually as another large group walks past us, blocking our view of the three men. When we can see them again, I discreetly nod towards them and he directs his attention to them. "Ohhh. I see what you mean."

I press the button on the radio attached to the right strap of the body armor. "November Two-One to Control."

"Control to November Two-One, what's up?" The radio crackles.

"November Two has three suspicious persons in sight."


"Five seats in front of us. Dressed in black."

"Alright, we got them in our sights. Monitor and report."

"Monitor and report, November Two." I glance at the men before turning my gaze to Alex. "Let's keep an eye on them, yea?"

"Already on it," he said with a smirk. He starts walking towards them and I frown. I change the channel to the one set for Alex and I.

"What the hell are you doing Alex!?"

He doesn't answer, instead approaching the men. His voice crackles through the radio. "Excuse me. I need to get through."

They quickly move out of the way, allowing him to move pass them. As they return to their previous positions, they block my sight of Alex.

"Man, they reeked." Alex's voice cackling through the radio makes me sigh in relief. "But, yea. They are suspicious."

I watch as the group of people move away, heading for the gates, a good hundred or so feet away from the security check. It seems like slow motion, as the three men reach into their coats and pull out assault rifles. Before I realize it, my instincts are kicking in and I'm lifting my gun as I run towards the chairs a few meters in front of me. Gunshots greet my ears as the weapons fire rapidly in their fully automatic settings. Screams fill the air and some of the people in the group collapse to the floor, their blood slowly spreading like a red sea. I aim my weapon, the sights lining up with one of the men. I pull the trigger, letting loose a few rounds from the H&K MP5 in my hands. The man collapses, but one of his friends turns towards me, spraying a hail of bullets toward me. I duck as the bullets slam into the dry wall behind me, showering me with dust and pieces of the wall. I can hear glass shattering, probably from the remaining men shooting at Alex, who has a glass wall behind him.

I jump up after a few seconds, weapon ready, only to get shot a few times in the chest. Pain explodes through my body as I collapse onto the floor.

"KEATON!" Alex shouts, his urgent cry sounding muffled. I blink, staring at the skylights above me. The light streaming in seemed unnaturally bright, making me squint a bit. A figure looms over me and they try to get the armor off of me, their hands shaking badly.

"Come on Keaton, stay with me man." Alex's voice filters into my thoughts and I blink, finally being able to make out the figure above me. He presses something against my chest. "I NEED A MEDIC HERE NOW!"

"Come on, stay with me. Stay with me!"

I cough, feeling blood fill my mouth and dribble down my cheek. "I c-can't Alex. Can't... hold... on."

He screams something, but my hearing dies and so does my vision.


A bit of something. A surprise ;)

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