When Plants Get Freaky

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*Mia's P.O.V*

The fifteen-year-old version of Mia never thought of her future wedding. She had too much to worry about - too much to bother romanticising the blessed day or dreaming of a Prince Charming.

Thanks to that Mia, this Mia is tired of her wedding planning. This Mia maintains a resting bitch face as her planner natters to Granny. This Mia faces an out-of-body experience, drowning in lace motifs and rose buds. She grinds her teeth in apprehension for the possibility that she will be served more than champagne and bite-sized cookies. She can eat pizza whole. She will eat pizza whole. A picture or two later, Granny drags her around as though they're the closest of relatives. At least, daytime drains her pain by speeding up.

"This would have made it much easier if your burst had been larger." Granny comments as we retire to our homes. I glare, and she adds, "Do you need breast implants, dear?"

Won't bother answering. As soon as I get a bed, I lie comatose in its covers for hours. Reindorf has the good sense not to wake me unless we have visitors, which is an inexorably unfortunate predicament for tomorrow's Mia.

Tomorrow's Mia meets with business partners interested in the project. We air our sentiments and listen to theirs, reaching a compromise fast enough for me to rest before Granny whisks me away for another shopping spree.

Cynthia has fun seeing me in the same ordeal she bore - minus her love spasms, plus my ennui.

An idle man is the devil's workshop; does the same for an idle mind? Mine is. Out of the blue, I ponder about Charlie, his whereabouts, what he is up to, and why he won't come to my wedding.

I'm so distraught that my phone vibrates like an ant's tango. Cynthia nudges me to heed it.


"Ya..." The caller is who? It sounds like my Dad's niece. "Kira, right?"

"Yes. Please, should they throw the letters away?"

That catches me off guard. "What?"

"Your Dad's letters."

This catches me off guard. It feels like years have passed since I found them in my foster home. "How do you know about them?"

"I am here. I'm in your house. They are moving your stuff in -"

"Hold on. Let's video call."

It takes a second for her face to appear, but her background is not my house. The decor is too exquisite.

"Where are you?"

"Your house."

"That's not my house."

"Your boo bought it!" Desi appears from behind Kura, spotting the happiest of beams. "We have a swimming pool!!!"

Squinting, I tell Kira not to let anyone touch the letters, and she informs me that she will stay with us to school and take care of Desi.

And my aunt and my grandfather will be coming to the wedding. Great. Why did Reindorf make these arrangements without my knowledge?


The question barely registers in his ears before he answers.

"This whole CEO drama shouldn't interrupt your studies, so I will oversee your duties while you finish college. Your cousin can take care of Desi, and the new house has better security -"

"Ok, ok, why didn't you tell me first?"

"You're overwhelmed." He muses, hands patting my back. "Looks like you need rest already."

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⏰ Last updated: 4 hours ago ⏰

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