Chapter one

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I apologise if updates take a while, I've got so much coursework to do, and by the time I finish that, I'm way too tired to even fathom the idea of writing anything. Any advice would be great! Please comment and vote, any support is hugely appreciated :) t

"Faggot. Get out, no one wants you here you worthless piece of shit!" Beau screamed at me
"My twins a little queer bag, I wish I wasn't related to you, I wish you were dead. You make me sick." Luke growled at me.
My own flesh and blood hated me, if they can't accept me, who will?
I stormed out of our house with tears freely flowing down my face, I don't care if any fans see me, I just need to get out of here, Everyone wanted me gone, my existence is pointless.
The worst part is, they don't know everything, they know I'm gay. They don't know I'm in love with my own twin brother, my twin brother that just disowned me.

Luke's Pov:
"it was just a dream...just a dream" I muttered to myself. I put my head in my hands and sighed. I've  been having these dreams for the past couple of weeks.

I woke up in a pool of my own sweat. What if this is what happens to me when I come out? I don't want to be hated by everyone because of what I am, an incestuous faggot. I was breathing heavily, Jai must have noticed as he climbed down from our bunk bed and sat next to me.
"Are you okay? Did you have a nightmare?"
"I'm fine" I sighed in response
"What happened Luke?"
"I just had a bad dream. I'm fine."
"Well you don't fucking look fine Luke, just tell me, I'm your brother for fucks sake, you've been waking up like this for weeks!" Jai growled at me
"I just had a dream I lost you, that's all." I wasn't completely lying I guess...
"You're never going to loose us Luke, we'll always be here, you know that"
"Yeah..." Albeit I highly doubted his words were true.
I got up from my bed and decided to have a shower, I was still in shock from my dream. "where are you going?" Jai questioned me

"to have a fucking shower, you don't need to know my every move, you're my brother, not my fucking husband" I sighed loudly as I walked out of my room. I felt guilty for having a go at him, I've been doing it a lot lately. I don't mean to, it just happens.

I walked back into mine and Jais room with just a towel around my waist. I'm not sure if I was just imagining it, but I'm sure Jai was staring at my torso when I walked in. I don't want to build my hopes up so I shoved the thought to the back of my mind.
"Hey, do you want some breakfast?"
"Not really, I'm not hungry"
Jai nodded and walked out of our room.
I haven't eaten properly in months, I've been living off of two small meals a day, sometimes not even that. It's my way of punishing myself, I'm fat and disgusting. I hate myself. I'm pretty sure no one would give a shit if I was gone.

I collapsed on my bed, shoving my face into my pillow. Why couldn't I be like everyone else, why do I have to be in love with a boy? especially my twin brother, my brother would be bad enough but my fucking twin. What is wrong with me? I just can't get him out of my head. I've even tried dating girls, I'm not even sure why in all honesty, nothings going to change the way I feel, as much as I try, I'll always be in love with my own twin brother. My flesh and blood, Jai brooks.

Intoxicated - Jake Brooks (Luke & Jai brooks)Where stories live. Discover now