It's all going to be okay....❤️‍🩹

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⚠️AUTHORS NOTE: This was a request made by @DenisszaV, I hope it meets the standards of what you were expecting and I hope you enjoy! ⚠️


Childhood friends; that's what you and Austin are. You were introduced to one another at the age of 4 at a BBQ your parents hosted. As your mother and Austin's mother were close friends and colleagues, of course she went along to the BBQ and took Austin with her leading to the pair of you meeting and forming a bond. The entire time you guys were running around the garden, playing all sorts of pretend games, chasing one another around, playing tag and all sorts of things that kids do. It's safe to say that after you two met, you instantly became friends and everything you did, he did. It got to the point where it seemed that you two were attached at the hip; always being around each other, always staying at one another's houses, playing together at the park and even sitting together in the classroom. Your entire childhood was spent together, every second of every day.

That only got worse as you transitioned to high school, and the fact that neither of you had many friends outside each other amplified the situation even more. Though neither of you minded, and both of your families found it great that you two could be so close and enjoyed spending all this time together. Over the years your bond grew stronger and stronger, to the point that you knew him better than his parents did and vice versa. You two are practically the same person just in different bodies; souls tied together and just meant to be in each other's lives.

Due to the strong bond between you, this led to both of you becoming close to one another's parents, also building a strong connection and trust with them as well as each other. Your parents always welcomed him into your home and his parents did the same with you, and the fact that both of your parents are friends with one another it made everything easier. The bond between you and his parents and him with your parents isn't exactly a friendship by any means, nor is it them acting as an extra set of parents, but you're definitely close with them and have a great bond with them.


It's currently 2014; you're now 23 and have moved out of your parents home into your own apartment. Life alone took some time getting used to, as you didn't actually move out until this year, but you are slowly adjusting to it and finally getting comfortable with living on your own. You and Austin are still as close as ever, if anything the years passing has only made your friendship stronger than ever. Weekends are spent by you two having a sleepover and going out to do fun things together and during the week you facetime a couple nights a week and during the day you send each other funny memes and stupid texts, neither of you wanting to go even a day without talking to one another.

Today is a Friday; you've spent all day at your job as a Barista and have finally arrived home, throwing yourself down onto the couch and finally having some time to yourself after a busy week. You turn on the TV, finding a Netflix show that you love to watch and playing it while you make yourself a quick snack to eat. Once you have the food, you sit back down on the couch, curling into a ball with your fluffy blanket in the corner of the couch, and watching the show. After about an hour, your phone pings with a text:

 After about an hour, your phone pings with a text:

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