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" Alexis Young!" I heard my mother screaming my name from the kitchen.

"Come here this fucking instant young lady!" I walked as slow as a snail to the kitchen, where she was waiting for me, tapping her feet on the floor and her hands on her hips.

"Yes, Lorraine?" I said sighing, since she is always mad at me and blaming me for everything that goes wrong in her life.

"Explain how the sink broke?" She said closing her eyes as if she was tired of this stuff.

"Don't know. Ask yourself, what were you doing, last night, drunk, with Erik, in the kitchen. I should say I could hear moans." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Get out of my sight," she said.

"Pleasure," I said turning around and heading back to my room.

I stood in front of my door. I was scared of going in, I've been having this horrible dreams about a guy. It always ends on me watching how he kills people in the most gruesome ways.

"What's wrong?" Erik's voice made me jump.

"Goodness Erik! Don't do that again!" I said shaking my head.

"Sorry honey, didn't mean to scare you." He hugged me.

"I'm going out for awhile." I smiled and got into my room to get my iPod and my phone and left.

As I was walking down the street my head was focused on those dreams. I don't know who this kid is and I can't remember his face when I wake up, I know its a boy and I know we make love in those horrible dreams. The thing is that they feel so real, it scares me how my skin shivers out of fear? Or passion? I don't know I just know I need to find a way to stop these dreams or else I won't be able to sleep ever again.

"Hey Alexis!" Said Lea over the counter at Gru's store, her dad.

"Hey Lea, what's up?" I tried to sound happy to see her but really I was not in the mood for all her babbles.

"Oh no much ya know, Derek and I had a fight and now we broken up, I'm pregnant, I got an appointment to remove the bastard before my parents find out an kill me."

"Derek knows?" She looked down." You are gonna kill his baby without him knowing?!"

"He doesn't deserve this baby!" She yelled angrily and lowered her voice as soon as she realized we were at the store.

"He is my best friend! And you are so not gonna make him miserable all his life!" I said angrily and left the store.

I went to find Derek, I was so pissed I can't believe Lea was going to abort Derek's baby. He is a good kid he would not allow that. I walked as fast as I could till I reached his house.

"Derek!" I yelled while knocking on the door.

"Coming Al," he said while definitely stumbling upon everything cus I could hear the noise. "Come on in" he said opening the door, with only a towel on.

"Jesus Christ! Put on some clothes!" I said while walking to his kitchen to get some water.

I waited for him to get dressed.

"So why are you here? You usually are to lazy as to bother stopping by," He joked from the other room.

"Yeah just hurry up, I have some really bad news." I said eatin my nails.

"Tell me," he said walking out his room wearing only his underwear (he is such an idiot I might add)

"Sit down," I sighed. " u might fall down"

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